Hi, I am using QGIS 3.6 and encounter the below error when trying to use ORS Tools to make drive-time isochrones for a few points, after also adding the Open Street Map layer to the map and using my (valid) token and API key.
401 ({
“error”: “Authorization field/api_key missing in request. If you do not have a token, please sign up for one at…” (openrouteservice url)
I am using the exact instructions from this tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rsxl_0IUSFM&t=552s
Which means that I
- added the Open Streets Map layer from the browser tab.
- added a .csv points layer (you can see the data points here)
- went to the Web menu, ORS Tools, opened settings and pasted my valid openrouteservice API key, clicked okay.
- under the Batch Jobs tab of the ORS Tools menu, I selected “Isochrones from Layer”, selected open route service provider, selected the input point layer, unique ID for the input layer ID field, set travel mode to driving-car, time, isochrones (15, 30, 45, 60).
With this result:
Input parameters:
{ ‘INPUT_FIELD’ : ‘Clave de localidad INEGI’, ‘INPUT_METRIC’ : 0, ‘INPUT_POINT_LAYER’ : ‘file:///F:/39PUNTOS/ChiapasNuevasSucursales.csv?type=csv&detectTypes=yes&xField=Longitud&yField=Latitud&crs=EPSG:4326&spatialIndex=no&subsetIndex=no&watchFile=no’, ‘INPUT_PROFILE’ : 0, ‘INPUT_PROVIDER’ : 0, ‘INPUT_RANGES’ : ‘15, 30, 45, 60’, ‘OUTPUT’ : ‘TEMPORARY_OUTPUT’ }
Feature ID 70120001 caused a ApiError:
401 ({
“error”: "Authorization field/api_key missing in request. If you do not have a token, please sign up for one at … (url)
The same error is repeated for each unique Feature ID.
After running, I double-check that the API key is still correctly saved in the ORS Tools settings, and it is.
Any ideas what is going wrong?
ORS tools settings: