Hello I hope you can help again.
Because I need to make matrix-calculations it would be great if I can include my vehicle restrictions.
I know including restrictions in matrix is currently under development, but since I’d like to have my application running as soon as possible I am asking for another way.
Can I set default values for height/weigth ect. for my custom-tailored profile.
And if so, where can I do that?
I found VehicleDimensionRestrictions but I am not sure if this is what I need.
Also vehicleAttrs is used in HeavyVehicleEdgeFilter.
But changing values and hardcoding here is not the solution. Because of that I think I am deadly wrong and hope for some help.
So the question is where can I set my hgv-vehicle to 4m height
so that the height is taken into account during matrix-calculations.
Thanks in advance