Use more than one pbf file when creating a docker openroute service image

I have been trying to use more than one pbf file when creating the docker image for openrouteservice. But I cannot get both to work in one docker compose up command.
In the docker_compose file I have these setting
- ./graphs:/ors-core/data/graphs
- ./elevation_cache:/ors-core/data/elevation_cache
- ./logs/ors:/var/log/ors
- ./logs/tomcat:/usr/local/tomcat/logs
- ./conf:/ors-conf
- ./kosovo-latest.osm.pbf:/ors-core/data/osm_file.pbf
- ./sweden-latest.osm.pbf:/ors-core/data/osm_file.pbf

But it only uses the first pbf file. So I guessed that I could use the
to add one pbf file at the time, but that did not work either… I assume I am doing something wrong, but have not be able to find it yet.

Can you please help me.?


currently, it is not possible to use the openrouteservice with more than one source file at the same time.
Is there documentation that suggests that you can use multiple source files at the same time? If so, could you point to it so we can correct it?

Best regards

Is there is a reason for just allowing one pbf file?

Hi @MatsGej,

no particular reason, it’s just the way it was done before.
You could implement this feature and create a Pull Request.

Best regards


I assume the reason for this is that things become rather complicated as soon as you have meeting or overlapping pbf files.
For one, graph building would probably require an extra step to match existing features, and there would have to be a strategy on what to do with conflicting values.

There is already tooling out there that allows for merging pbf files. The openrouteservice will work with such a merged pbf file.

Best regards