Usage of DEM files

Hi folks.
I’m trying to use the ORS calls to build some gpx route for my journeys, many of them are collocated through some mountain zones. I noted that in many cases the point’s altitude is not very precise, for example points very close have a difference of 10m (or more) in altitude, but in reality this is not true.
Then the result is that the global positive difference in altitude of my journeys turns out to be greater (some time very greater) than reality… May be is there some possibility to change the altitude calculation algorithm, for example using DEM files or similar?

Hi @agocurti,

currently we are using mostly CGIAR(SRTM) data with no option for other data.
(see Why do some mountain regions have peaks significantly lower than they should be? in the FAQ there for your issue)

We are looking into higher resolution elevation data, but this is currently not a priority.

Feel free to open an issue in our repo for this feature.

Best regards

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Hi @amandus,
thanks for your answer. Ok, I imagine that you have others priorities. Anyway I performed some research about this topic and I found some interesting stuff, then I just open the issue #1942.
If I can help the ORS implementation, I’m happy to do something…