First of all, thank you dear openrouteservice team for the great API provisions. Just a perfect alternative to Google!
Among other things, I use the Dashboard | ORS API for my routing project.
When I request the following coordinates of that address pattern:
Musterstrasse 10 d 01234 Musterstadt
I get all the “Musterstrassen” including their coordinates with a house number 10 in the address such as Musterstrasse 10 a, Musterstrasse 10 b, Musterstrasse 10 c, etc. in the responsed json file, which I didn’t ask for.
I know the possibility of the determine the desired coordinates of the target address by using a “for loop” including an “if statement” regarding a html form data and the json data comparison,
let search = new Array();
for (let i = 0; i < json_content.features.length; i++){
let housenumber_api = json_content.features[i].properties.housenumber;
if (housenumber_htmlform == housenumber_api){
but I would like to know if I can pass a parameter in the API request that only outputs the coordinates of the one address wich I’m looking for.
Thank you in advance for your help.