I am using ORS QGIS Plugin and am running my own ORS V8 instance. When I calculate traveltimes I experience huge differences (too long travel time but correct km distance) between ORS calculations and other engines (Valhalla, Maps, Openstreetmaps).
I have checked it with you demo instance, where I also receive the same results.
Let me give an example:
returns 46 minutes
Returns 32 minutes and 32 km
and Maps
"Google Maps
(Bezirkskrankenhaus Lienz to Rotes Kreuz Silian) 30 Minutes
This happens with a variety of cases, all displayed here
BVRD Transparenzlandkarte RD - (The number expresses the minutes to shortest next station from a matrix calculation) Almost all are too high.
Would be very grateful to get some insights what could be the problem.
I think you should facing this issue after long time might be related to the speed profiles or road classifications used by your ORS instance which can significantly affect travel time calculations. ORS relies on specific profiles that might differ from those used by Valhalla Google Maps or OpenStreetMap leading to discrepancies in travel time despite accurate distance measurements. You might want to review the speed settings and profiles in your ORS setup to better align with the other engines or adjust the profiles to better match real world conditions.
after upgrading to ORS V9, I experience yet again the issue, despite having set the use_acceleration to false.
My example shows a discrepancy between the to points
Point 0: 13.637017, 48.003171
Point 1: 13.716820, 48.004799
ORS V8 with use_acceleration: false
results in a 8.5 Mins drivetime
ORS V9 with use_acceleration: false
Results in a 14.28 min drivetime.
Tried to validate with Openstreetmaps and it returned
9 mins Drivetime
And Maps returned 9 mins as well.
In my ORS V9 profile I set the following and rebuilt the graphs.