Strange error returned and missing return header

I’m needing to get distances between each lake for a series of lakes. I’m running a shell script from the Mac OSX command line to request those distances, below is an example from the script. Due to the number of distances I’m eventually needing, ~28,000, I’ve broken them into separate scripts of 2,000 requests each, so I stay within the daily limit.

I ran the first script this afternoon, and after approximately 377 requests, it started throwing the “Daily quota reached or API key unauthorized” error. As it was running unattended, I didn’t notice the errors. It continued to throw the errors for the next 408 requests, then began working again for about another 500 requests, then threw the errors again so I cancelled the script. Any idea of what might be going on?

Also, I discovered that there is a response header that gives you your usage, X-RATELIMIT, but It’s not being returned to me when I post. Here’s is an example of everything that is being returned. (Please note that due to limitations on new users, I had to change the “.” to a “_” on ‘metadata":{“attribution”:"openrouteservice_org’ here in the topic so it wouldn’t count as a linked source.)

Distance from:to Alma City Lake KS -> Antelope Lake KS
{“distances”:[[0.0,246.47],[246.43,0.0]],“destinations”:[{“location”:[-96.26342,38.978664],“snapped_distance”:233.39},{“location”:[-100.11083,39.372614],“snapped_distance”:219.17}],“sources”:[{“location”:[-96.26342,38.978664],“snapped_distance”:233.39},{“location”:[-100.11083,39.372614],“snapped_distance”:219.17}],“metadata”:{“attribution”:“openrouteservice_org | OpenStreetMap contributors”,“service”:“matrix”,“timestamp”:1593626938545,“query”:{“locations”:[[-96.2611607,38.979813],[-100.112218,39.3742674]],“profile”:“driving-car”,“responseType”:“json”,“metricsStrings”:[“DISTANCE”],“metrics”:[“distance”],“units”:“mi”},“engine”:{“version”:“6.1.1”,“build_date”:“2020-06-18T15:14:48Z”,“graph_date”:“2020-06-26T00:40:56Z”}}}

I appreciate any help that you can provide.


[shell script example]

echo '\nDistance from:to Alma City Lake KS -> Antelope Lake KS ’
curl -X POST
-H ‘Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8’
-H ‘Accept: application/json, application/geo+json, application/gpx+xml, img/png; charset=utf-8’
-H ‘Authorization: xxx’
-d '{ “locations”:[[ -96.2611607 , 38.979813 ],[ -100.112218 , 39.3742674 ]], “metrics” :[“distance”],“units”:“mi”} ’
sleep 2
echo '\nDistance from:to Alma City Lake KS -> Arkansas City Knebler KS ’
curl -X POST
-H ‘Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8’
-H ‘Accept: application/json, application/geo+json, application/gpx+xml, img/png; charset=utf-8’
-H ‘Authorization: xxx’
-d '{ “locations”:[[ -96.2611607 , 38.979813 ],[ -97.0239685 , 37.0702788 ]], “metrics” :[“distance”],“units”:“mi”} ’
sleep 2

Hi @gwfami2,

To return the x-ratelimit-remaining header use the -D - curl option.
Did you check your quota, when you started the script?

The quota is reset 24h after using the key, when it had full quota.

Best regards

Thanks. That fixed it.