Specific coordinate not generating an isochrone on self-hosted ORS

Hello support,

We were trying to implement a self-hosted ORS in our application to generate isochrones so that we will not be limited with the daily/monthly quota. We chose to install it through docker running in my local machine to test it firsthand. Everything is working smoothly and fine, isochrones are being created except for some coordinate that fails to return an isochrone.

To investigate further, I try to use the API playground and it seems that the faulty coordinate is working fine (though the isochrone created was not centered in the location which was given because there is no public road to the specific location)

Here is the coordinate: Lat: 0.853001, Lon: 36.275431. It is located in Kenya. I also downloaded the Kenya pbf in Geofabrik server and set it up correctly.

Actual request used:



Error received is:

Unable to build an isochrone map.

I already tried to rebuild the graphs and even used both version 8.0.0 and 8.1.0 to see if it will fix the issue. I tried to uncomment some configuration related to routing profiles of driving and walking, and isochrone in the ors-config,yml but unfortunately it doesn’t change a thing.

Can you check what I am doing wrong?

Here is my ors-config.yml

##### openrouteservice settings file #####
# This file contains parameters for openrouteservice.
# For a full list of possible parameters see https://giscience.github.io/openrouteservice/run-instance/configuration/

##### General server settings #####
  port: 8082
#  error:
#    whitelabel:
#      enabled: false
#  # Keep the context-path at / else the war file run with tomcat will have the context-path of /ors/v2 as well.
#  servlet:
#    context-path: /ors
#  tomcat:
#    keep-alive-timeout: 30000
#  profiles:
#    active: default
#  mvc:
#    servlet:
#      path: /
##### Settings related to springdoc #####
#  swagger-ui:
#    enabled: true
#    path: /swagger-ui
#    tryItOutEnabled: true
#    filter: false
#    syntaxHighlight:
#      activated: true
#    showExtensions: true
#  api-docs:
#    path: /v2/api-docs
#    version: OPENAPI_3_0
#  packages-to-scan: org.heigit.ors
#  pathsToMatch: /v2/**
##### Logging settings #####
#  file:
#    name: ./logs/ors.log
#  pattern:
#    console: "%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} %highlight{%-7p} %style{%50t}{Cyan} %style{[ %-40.40c{1.} ]}{Bright Cyan}   %m%n"
#    file: "%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} %p [%-40.40c{1.}] - %m%n"
    root: DEBUG
    org.heigit: DEBUG
##### openrouteservice specific settings #####
#  cors:
#    allowed_origins: "*"
#    allowed_headers: Content-Type, X-Requested-With, accept, Origin, Access-Control-Request-Method, Access-Control-Request-Headers, Authorization
#    preflight_max_age: 600
#  messages:
#  ##### ORS endpoints settings #####
#    routing:
#      enabled: true
#      attribution: openrouteservice.org, OpenStreetMap contributors, tmc - BASt
#      gpx_name: ORSRouting
#      gpx_description: This is a directions instructions file as GPX, generated from openrouteservice
#      gpx_base_url: https://openrouteservice.org/
#      gpx_support_mail: support@openrouteservice.org
#      gpx_author: openrouteservice
#      gpx_content_licence: LGPL 3.0
#      maximum_avoid_polygon_area: 200000000
#      maximum_avoid_polygon_extent: 20000
#      maximum_alternative_routes: 3
#    matrix:
#      enabled: true
#      attribution: openrouteservice.org, OpenStreetMap contributors
#      maximum_routes: 2500
#      maximum_routes_flexible: 25
#      maximum_visited_nodes: 100000
#      maximum_search_radius: 2000
#      u_turn_costs: -1
      enabled: true
      attribution: openrouteservice.org, OpenStreetMap contributors
      maximum_locations: 2
      maximum_intervals: 1
      allow_compute_area: true
      maximum_range_distance_default: 50000
        - profiles: driving-car, driving-hgv
          value: 100000
      maximum_range_time_default: 18000
        - profiles: driving-car, driving-hgv
          value: 3600
        maximum_range_distance_default: 50000
          - profiles: driving-car, driving-hgv
            value: 500000
        maximum_range_time_default: 18000
          - profiles: driving-car, driving-hgv
            value: 10800
      enabled: true
#      attribution: openrouteservice.org, OpenStreetMap contributors
      maximum_locations: 5000
#  ##### ORS engine settings #####
    source_file: /home/ors/files/kenya-latest.osm.pbf
#    init_threads: 1
#    preparation_mode: false
#    graphs_root_path: ./graphs
#    graphs_data_access: RAM_STORE
#    elevation:
#      preprocessed: false
#      data_access: MMAP
#      cache_clear: false
#      provider: multi
#      cache_path: ./elevation_cache
#    profile_default:
#      enabled: false
#      elevation: true
#      elevation_smoothing: false
#      encoder_flags_size: 8
#      instructions: true
#      optimize: false
#      traffic: false
#      maximum_distance: 100000
#      maximum_distance_dynamic_weights: 100000
#      maximum_distance_avoid_areas: 100000
#      maximum_waypoints: 50
#      maximum_snapping_radius: 400
#      maximum_distance_alternative_routes: 100000
#      maximum_distance_round_trip_routes: 100000
#      maximum_speed_lower_bound: 80
#      maximum_visited_nodes: 1000000
#      location_index_resolution: 500
#      location_index_search_iterations: 4
#      force_turn_costs: false
#      interpolate_bridges_and_tunnels: true
#      preparation:
#        min_network_size: 200
#        methods:
#          lm:
#            enabled: true
#            threads: 1
#            weightings: recommended,shortest
#            landmarks: 16
#      execution:
#        methods:
#          lm:
#            active_landmarks: 8
#      # All properties defined in ors.engine.profile_default can also be set in each profile to overwrite the defaults profile-specific.
        profile: driving-car
          turn_costs: true
          block_fords: false
          use_acceleration: true
          min_network_size: 200
              enabled: true
              threads: 1
              weightings: fastest
              enabled: false
              threads: 1
              weightings: fastest,shortest
              landmarks: 16
              enabled: true
              threads: 1
              weightings: fastest,shortest
              landmarks: 64
              lmsets: highways;allow_all
              active_landmarks: 6
              active_landmarks: 6
#        ext_storages:
#          WayCategory:
#          HeavyVehicle:
#          WaySurfaceType:
#          RoadAccessRestrictions:
#            use_for_warnings: true
        enabled: true
#      hgv:
#        profile: driving-hgv
#        encoder_options:
#          turn_costs: true
#          block_fords: false
#          use_acceleration: true
#        preparation:
#          min_network_size: 200
#          methods:
#            ch:
#              enabled: true
#              threads: 1
#              weightings: recommended
#            core:
#              enabled: true
#              threads: 1
#              weightings: recommended,shortest
#              landmarks: 64
#              lmsets: highways;allow_all
#        execution:
#          methods:
#            core:
#              active_landmarks: 6
#        ext_storages:
#          WayCategory:
#          HeavyVehicle:
#            restrictions: true
#          WaySurfaceType:
#      bike-regular:
#        profile: cycling-regular
#        encoder_options:
#          consider_elevation: true
#          turn_costs: true
#          block_fords: false
#        ext_storages:
#          WayCategory:
#          WaySurfaceType:
#          HillIndex:
#          TrailDifficulty:
#      bike-mountain:
#        profile: cycling-mountain
#        encoder_options:
#          consider_elevation: true
#          turn_costs: true
#          block_fords: false
#        ext_storages:
#          WayCategory:
#          WaySurfaceType:
#          HillIndex:
#          TrailDifficulty:
#      bike-road:
#        profile: cycling-road
#        encoder_options:
#          consider_elevation: true
#          turn_costs: true
#          block_fords: false
#        ext_storages:
#          WayCategory:
#          WaySurfaceType:
#          HillIndex:
#          TrailDifficulty:
#      bike-electric:
#        profile: cycling-electric
#        encoder_options:
#          consider_elevation: true
#          turn_costs: true
#          block_fords: false
#        ext_storages:
#          WayCategory:
#          WaySurfaceType:
#          HillIndex:
#          TrailDifficulty:
        profile: foot-walking
          block_fords: false
#        ext_storages:
#          WayCategory:
#          WaySurfaceType:
#          HillIndex:
#          TrailDifficulty:
        enabled: true
#      hiking:
#        profile: foot-hiking
#        encoder_options:
#          block_fords: false
#        ext_storages:
#          WayCategory:
#          WaySurfaceType:
#          HillIndex:
#          TrailDifficulty:
#      wheelchair:
#        profile: wheelchair
#        encoder_options:
#          block_fords: true
#        maximum_snapping_radius: 50
#        ext_storages:
#          WayCategory:
#          WaySurfaceType:
#          Wheelchair:
#            KerbsOnCrossings: true
#          OsmId:
#      public-transport:
#        profile: public-transport
#        encoder_options:
#          block_fords: false
#        elevation: true
#        maximum_visited_nodes: 1000000
#        gtfs_file: ./src/test/files/vrn_gtfs_cut.zip

Just to let you know that there is no problem with the RAM. The ORS is up and running.

Thanks in advance.