There seems to be an error in the mapdata / routing algorithm that only openrouteservice seems to have:
please provide the query so we can have a look.
Is doesn‘t depend on the exakt start and end. I took Würzburg and Tetenbüll, just a Moment ago I used Hemmerwurth, Dithmarschen and Tetenbüll. All lead To the same error beside Tönning.
Could you copy and paste the url of your request please?
So we can see the actual settings you are using.
Best regards
another instance:,8.961067,54.325734,8.921757&b=0&c=0&k1=en-US&k2=km
Interesting is also this request:,8.954458,54.324664,8.953246&b=0&c=0&k1=en-US&k2=km
it appears, that the preference “shortest way” uses the “circle way”, the preference “fastest way” produces the weird way with two turns. That means, the fastest algorithm ist somehow weird.
It seems, that the osm data shows different maxspeed data for the two branches beside the main road (100km/h and 50km/h), so the algorithm does its work, the data is somehow weird.
Hi @MichKoo,
sorry for the late response - this looks like it is to do with turn restrictions not being taken into account when using fastest. I know that there are some instances where turn restrictions cannot be taken into account, but maybe @andrzej can give more input on that.
Dear @MichKoo,
@adam is right, our current setup does not support turn restrictions. This shortcoming will be addressed in one of our upcoming releases, so stay tuned.
i’m just curious and interested: when will this update be?
Unfortunately I cannot give you a specific date yet. The turn restrictions feature is currently under development and is expected to be released sometime over the next few months. Maybe @HendrikLeuschner can provide you with some more details.