Server timeout for isochrones with distance 120000


I am using openrouteservice to calculate some isochrones for trucks. The API documentation states that distances up to 120000m are allowed, but the server gives a timeout after 30seconds and this corresponds to about a distance of 60kms (for the example point in the API playground at least). Would it be possible to increase the timeout to a value that we can calculate the isochrones up to the maximum distance?



when upgrading parts of our API stack, a newer version of a tool introduced a timeout by default that we were not aware of.
We have fixed this now, so larger isochrones should be possible again.

To keep loads on our servers manageable, we still have timeouts in place, so some requests might still not be able to complete in time.

Best regards

Hi Jakob,

Thanks for the reply and your fix. However, the default example in the API playground (locations = [[8.681495,49.41461],[8.686507,49.41943]]) still does not work for distances more than 70km, which is quite far from the 120km which is allowed.



yes, that is unfortunately the case :frowning:
Thank you for bringing this up, it seems to be a bit of a bigger underlying problem…

We are currently inspecting our request pipeline to figure out what is causing this.
We’ll keep you posted on the results!

Best regards