Self host Open Route Issues

Hello Team

I need your help. I am new in openrouteservices. I am using docker composer to install and run openroutsernice on my ec2 instance.
I am face issue to run openrouteservice with specific region data like - United States of America. I have downloaded file on ec2 and I mapped .ors file path on ors-config.yml file. after restart docker composer I am not able to find 'co-ordinates between source and destination from United States of America region. Application is working with “example-heidelberg.osm.gz”
I am trying with this “washington-latest.osm.gz”.
If any one have running ors-config.yml could you please share if you can.

My source and destination:

  "coordinates": [


    "error": {
        "code": 2010,
        "message": "Could not find routable point within a radius of 3000.0 meters of specified coordinate 0: -122.1558254 47.7709803."
    "info": {
        "engine": {
            "build_date": "2024-10-09T09:23:42Z",
            "version": "8.2.0"
        "timestamp": 1728985585211

I search about openroutservice on google and found 1 site and on that site when I give same source and destination that site return co-ordinates.

I am trying to resolve this issue from last one week but not getting solution.
Please help me to resolve this.

This is my config file:

##### openrouteservice settings file #####
# This file contains parameters for openrouteservice.
# For a full list of possible parameters see

##### General server settings #####
#  port: 8082
#  error:
#    whitelabel:
#      enabled: false
#  # Keep the context-path at / else the war file run with tomcat will have the context-path of /ors/v2 as well.
#  servlet:
#    context-path: /ors
#  tomcat:
#    keep-alive-timeout: 30000
#  profiles:
#    active: default
#  mvc:
#    servlet:
#      path: /
##### Settings related to springdoc #####
#  swagger-ui:
#    enabled: true
#    path: /swagger-ui
#    tryItOutEnabled: true
#    filter: false
#    syntaxHighlight:
#      activated: true
#    showExtensions: true
#  api-docs:
#    path: /v2/api-docs
#    version: OPENAPI_3_0
#  packages-to-scan: org.heigit.ors
#  pathsToMatch: /v2/**
##### Logging settings #####
#  file:
#    name: ./logs/ors.log
#  pattern:
#    console: "%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} %highlight{%-7p} %style{%50t}{Cyan} %style{[ %-40.40c{1.} ]}{Bright Cyan}   %m%n"
#    file: "%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} %p [%-40.40c{1.}] - %m%n"
#  level:
#    root: WARN
#    org.heigit: INFO
##### openrouteservice specific settings #####
#  cors:
#    allowed_origins: "*"
#    allowed_headers: Content-Type, X-Requested-With, accept, Origin, Access-Control-Request-Method, Access-Control-Request-Headers, Authorization
#    preflight_max_age: 600
#  messages:
#  ##### ORS endpoints settings #####
      enabled: true
#      attribution:, OpenStreetMap contributors, tmc - BASt
#      gpx_name: ORSRouting
#      gpx_description: This is a directions instructions file as GPX, generated from openrouteservice
#      gpx_base_url:
#      gpx_support_mail:
#      gpx_author: openrouteservice
#      gpx_content_licence: LGPL 3.0
#      maximum_avoid_polygon_area: 200000000
#      maximum_avoid_polygon_extent: 20000
#      maximum_alternative_routes: 3
      enabled: true
#      attribution:, OpenStreetMap contributors
      maximum_routes: 2500
      maximum_routes_flexible: 25
      maximum_visited_nodes: 100000
      maximum_search_radius: 2000
      u_turn_costs: -1
      enabled: true
#      attribution:, OpenStreetMap contributors
      maximum_locations: 2
      maximum_intervals: 1
      allow_compute_area: true
      maximum_range_distance_default: 50000
        - profiles: driving-car, driving-hgv
          value: 100000
      maximum_range_time_default: 18000
        - profiles: driving-car, driving-hgv
          value: 3600
        maximum_range_distance_default: 50000
          - profiles: driving-car, driving-hgv
            value: 500000
        maximum_range_time_default: 18000
          - profiles: driving-car, driving-hgv
            value: 10800
      enabled: true
#      attribution:, OpenStreetMap contributors
      maximum_locations: 5000
#  ##### ORS engine settings #####
    source_file: /home/ors/files/washington-latest.osm.gz
#    init_threads: 1
#    preparation_mode: false
#    graphs_root_path: ./graphs
#    graphs_data_access: RAM_STORE
#    elevation:
#      preprocessed: false
#      data_access: MMAP
#      cache_clear: false
#      provider: multi
#      cache_path: ./elevation_cache
      enabled: true
      #elevation: true
      #elevation_smoothing: false
      #encoder_flags_size: 8
      #instructions: true
      #optimize: false
      #traffic: false
      maximum_distance: 100000
      #maximum_distance_dynamic_weights: 100000
      #maximum_distance_avoid_areas: 100000
      maximum_waypoints: 50
      maximum_snapping_radius: 3000
      #maximum_distance_alternative_routes: 100000
      #maximum_distance_round_trip_routes: 100000
      #maximum_speed_lower_bound: 80
      #maximum_visited_nodes: 1000000
      #location_index_resolution: 500
#      location_index_search_iterations: 4
#      force_turn_costs: false
#      interpolate_bridges_and_tunnels: true
#      preparation:
#        min_network_size: 200
#        methods:
#          lm:
#            enabled: true
#            threads: 1
#            weightings: recommended,shortest
#            landmarks: 16
#      execution:
#        methods:
#          lm:
#            active_landmarks: 8
#      # All properties defined in ors.engine.profile_default can also be set in each profile to overwrite the defaults profile-specific.
        profile: driving-car
#        encoder_options:
#          turn_costs: true
#          block_fords: false
#          use_acceleration: true
          min_network_size: 200
              enabled: true
              threads: 1
              weightings: fastest
#            lm:
#              enabled: false
#              threads: 1
#              weightings: fastest,shortest
#              landmarks: 16
#            core:
#              enabled: true
#              threads: 1
#              weightings: fastest,shortest
#              landmarks: 64
#              lmsets: highways;allow_all
#        execution:
#          methods:
#            lm:
#              active_landmarks: 6
#            core:
#              active_landmarks: 6
#        ext_storages:
#          WayCategory:
#          HeavyVehicle:
#          WaySurfaceType:
#          Tollways:
#          RoadAccessRestrictions:
#            use_for_warnings: true
        enabled: true
        profile: driving-hgv
        enabled: true
          turn_costs: true
          block_fords: false
          use_acceleration: true
          min_network_size: 200
              enabled: true
              threads: 1
              weightings: recommended
              enabled: true
              threads: 1
              weightings: recommended,shortest
              landmarks: 64
              lmsets: highways;allow_all
#        execution:
#          methods:
#            core:
#              active_landmarks: 6
#        ext_storages:
#          WayCategory:
#          HeavyVehicle:
#            restrictions: true
#          WaySurfaceType:
#          Tollways:
#      bike-regular:
#        profile: cycling-regular
#        encoder_options:
#          consider_elevation: true
#          turn_costs: true
#          block_fords: false
#        ext_storages:
#          WayCategory:
#          WaySurfaceType:
#          HillIndex:
#          TrailDifficulty:
#      bike-mountain:
#        profile: cycling-mountain
#        encoder_options:
#          consider_elevation: true
#          turn_costs: true
#          block_fords: false
#        ext_storages:
#          WayCategory:
#          WaySurfaceType:
#          HillIndex:
#          TrailDifficulty:
#      bike-road:
#        profile: cycling-road
#        encoder_options:
#          consider_elevation: true
#          turn_costs: true
#          block_fords: false
#        ext_storages:
#          WayCategory:
#          WaySurfaceType:
#          HillIndex:
#          TrailDifficulty:
#      bike-electric:
#        profile: cycling-electric
#        encoder_options:
#          consider_elevation: true
#          turn_costs: true
#          block_fords: false
#        ext_storages:
#          WayCategory:
#          WaySurfaceType:
#          HillIndex:
#          TrailDifficulty:
#      walking:
#        profile: foot-walking
#        encoder_options:
#          block_fords: false
#        ext_storages:
#          WayCategory:
#          WaySurfaceType:
#          HillIndex:
#          TrailDifficulty:
#      hiking:
#        profile: foot-hiking
#        encoder_options:
#          block_fords: false
#        ext_storages:
#          WayCategory:
#          WaySurfaceType:
#          HillIndex:
#          TrailDifficulty:
#      wheelchair:
#        profile: wheelchair
#        encoder_options:
#          block_fords: true
#        maximum_snapping_radius: 50
#        ext_storages:
#          WayCategory:
#          WaySurfaceType:
#          Wheelchair:
#            KerbsOnCrossings: true
#          OsmId:
#      public-transport:
#        profile: public-transport
#        encoder_options:
#          block_fords: false
#        elevation: true
#        maximum_visited_nodes: 1000000
#        gtfs_file: ./src/test/files/

This is my docker composer file:

# Docker Compose file for the openrouteservice (ORS) application
# Documentation and examples can be found on
version: '3.8'

  # ----------------- ORS application configuration ------------------- #
    # Activate the following lines to build the container from the repository
    # You have to add --build to the docker compose command to do so
      context: ./
    container_name: ors-app
      - "8080:8082"  # Expose the ORS API on port 8080
      - "9001:9001"  # Expose additional port for monitoring (optional)
    image: openrouteservice/openrouteservice:v8.2.0
    # Advanced option! If you different ids to 0:0 and 1000:1000, you have to rebuild the container with the build args UID,GID.
    # The user command is useful if you want easier bind mount access or better security.
    #user: "1000:1000" # Run "mkdir -p ors-docker/config ors-docker/elevation_cache ors-docker/files ors-docker/graphs ors-docker/logs && sudo chown -R 1000:1000 ors" before starting the container!
    volumes:  # Mount relative directories. ONLY for local container runtime. To switch to docker managed volumes see 'Docker Volumes configuration' section below.
      - ./ors-docker:/home/ors  # Mount the ORS application directory (for logs, graphs, elevation_cache, etc.) into its own directory
      #- ./graphs:/home/ors/graphs  # Mount graphs directory individually
      #- ./elevation_cache:/home/ors/elevation_cache  # Mount elevation cache directory individually
      #- ./config:/home/ors/config  # Mount configuration directory individually
      #- ./logs:/home/ors/logs  # Mount logs directory individually
      #- ./files:/home/ors/files  # Mount files directory individually
      REBUILD_GRAPHS: False  # Set to True to rebuild graphs on container start.
      CONTAINER_LOG_LEVEL: INFO  # Log level for the container. Possible values: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL
      # If you don't want the default ors-config.yml you can specify a custom file name, that should match the file in
      # your 'config' volume mount.
      #ORS_CONFIG_LOCATION: /home/ors/config/my-ors-config.yml  # Location of your ORS configuration file in the docker container

      # ------------------ JAVA OPTS ------------------ #
      # Configure the memory settings for JAVA or pass additional opts
      # Fore more available ENV properties see Prepare CATALINA_OPTS and JAVA_OPTS
      # in
      XMS: 1g  # start RAM assigned to java
      XMX: 2g  # max RAM assigned to java. Rule of Thumb: <PBF-size> * <profiles> * 2
      # Example: 1.5 GB pbf size, two profiles (car and foot-walking)
      # -> 1.5 * 2 * 2 = 6. Set xmx to be AT LEAST `-Xmx6g`
      ADDITIONAL_JAVA_OPTS: ""  # further options you want to pass to the java command

      # ----------------- Properties configuration ------------------- #
      # Configure your whole container with only property ENVs.
      # These can be set alternatively or additionally to the yml configuration file.
      # Note, that any values set will override the corresponding values from the yml configuration file.
      # See the ors-config.env file for more options.
      # To have a configuration file-less container, uncomment at least the following properties.
      # The values are examples and provide the default configuration.
      #ors.engine.source_file: /home/ors/files/example-heidelberg.osm.gz
      #ors.engine.graphs_root_path: /home/ors/graphs
      #ors.engine.elevation.cache_path: /home/ors/elevation_cache true
      ors.engine.profiles.hgv.enabled: true INFO

    # ----------------- ENV file configuration ------------------- #
    # Too many variables for your 'environment:' section?
    # Use an env_file with the ENV properties instead and define everything in there:
    # Values will be overwritten if set in the 'environment' section.
    #env_file: ors-config.env

    # ----------------- Healthcheck configuration ------------------- #
    # The healthcheck is disabled by default. Uncomment the following lines to enable it.
    # The healthcheck allows you to monitor the status of the ORS application.
    # Be careful with long graph builds, as the healthcheck will fail and show 'unhealthy' during this time.
    # This is especially useful if you run your ORS container in a production environment.
    #  test: wget --no-verbose --tries=1 --spider http://localhost:8082/ors/v2/health || exit 1
    #  start_period: 1m
    #  interval: 10s
    #  timeout: 2s
    #  retries: 3
    #  disable: false

# ----------------- Docker Volumes configuration ------------------- #
# Define the Docker managed volumes for the ORS application. For more info on Docker Volumes see
# Volumes are used to persist the data and configuration of the ORS application.
# If you want to use volumes, uncomment the following lines and remove the ./ prefix from the volume paths in 'services.ors-app.volumes'.
#    graphs:
#    elevation_cache:
#    config:
#    logs:
#    files:

Thank you


please make sure that the source file is present in the docker container in the location specified and check that graphs are being built - my best guess would be that the openrouteservice built graphs once, and now finds them and does not build graphs for the new file because of that.

I’d suggest removing the existing graphs and restarting.

Best regards

Thank for quick response.
I will remove and try

I removed graphs and restart docker composer but its not generate graphs.
Instant of generate of graphs its create a file in car direct inside of graphs : gh.lock file

Graph generation will take some time - a gh.lock-file being present is a good indication for a build happening.

Check the health endpoint to see whether the ors is still building graphs.

Ok I am checking. I try this curl for health checking:
curl ‘http://localhost:8080/ors/v2/health
Its throw “not ready”
How much time its take to be ready

That is heavily dependent on what region and how many profiles you are building and what machine it is running on.

For Washington (~300 MB pbf size) on a regular laptop, I’d estimate that it should finish in under one hour, if you’re only building one profile.

Best regards

Yes I am build only for car profile. what region I am using it’s 246 MB. SO It will take time right? Its Ohio region data

@jschnell Thanks for help.
Now Its working and return data from Ohio region.

Also can you suggest me what config server require if I want to run data from all North America region. for driving-hgv and driving-car

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see system requirements in the backend docs.

Best regards

Thanks you. Have a good day

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