While testing ORS, we noticed that when planning route for HGV, the algorithm tries to avoid the Mont Blanc Tunnel by any means. Even if we set multiple of waypoints to route through the tunnel, it still tries to avoid it. Why could this be happening?
Request example:
curl -X POST \
'https://api.openrouteservice.org/v2/directions/driving-hgv' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
-H 'Accept: application/json, application/geo+json, application/gpx+xml, img/png; charset=utf-8' \
-d '{
"options": {
"avoid_features": [ ],
"profile_params": {
"restrictions": {
"length": 17.0,
"width": 2.5,
"height": 4.0,
"axleload": 11.5,
"weight": 40.0,
"hazmat": false
"extra_info": [],
"maneuvers": false,
"instructions": false,
"geometry": true