Round trip request


How would I got about calculating a round trip as is done on the maps example page ? I can’t seem to figure out what parameters to use when making a request to the API.


There is some information in our interactive docs. The options for round trip are under the options -> round_trip part of the API call. One main thing to be aware is that when doing the round trip via the API, you need to only pass one coordinate pair rather than the usual minimum of 2.{profile}/post

Oh wow now I see it. Thank you!

Sorry to re-open this, but I can’t find the round_trip options in the doc. I see there is an “options” argument in the request, but I don’t see any information about how to use “round_trip.” In fact, I searched your whole documentation for “round” and can’t find anything… Can you help? Thanks!

@tanka1 click this button:

for nested objects that’s how you can define them using the UI

Ah! Thank you. I was clicking on the field itself, I didn’t see the edit icon on the right. Thanks! Solved.