Problem when constructing a route with the option avoid_borders

Hello everyone!

Running on my serve in docker openrouteservice, there is a problem that while building a route for a car, the restrictions on movement between countries ({avoid_borders: all} or {“avoid_countries”: }) do not work.

At the moment, I am using .pbf of Russia + Kazakhstan merged using osmium. There is a loaded in the geojson movement profile with the specified Asian borders, and also ids.csv countries, and openborders.csv (almost empty, taken from the repository with the project).

"profile-hgv": {
            "profiles": "driving-hgv",
            "parameters": {
              "encoder_flags_size": 8,
              "encoder_options": "turn_costs=true|block_fords=false|use_acceleration=true",
              "maximum_distance": 10000000,
              "elevation": false,
              "preparation": {
                "min_network_size": 200,
                "min_one_way_network_size": 200,
                "methods": {
                  "ch": {
                    "enabled": true,
                    "threads": 1,
                    "weightings": "recommended"
                  "core": {
                    "enabled": true,
                    "threads": 1,
                    "weightings": "recommended,shortest",
                    "landmarks": 64,
                    "lmsets": "highways;allow_all"
              "execution": {
                "methods": {
                  "ch": {
                    "disabling_allowed": true
                  "core": {
                    "disabling_allowed": true,
                    "active_landmarks": 6
              "ext_storages": {
                "WayCategory": {},
                "HeavyVehicle": {
                  "restrictions": true
                "WaySurfaceType": {},
                "Borders": {
                  "boundaries": "/ors-conf/world.geojson",
                  "ids": "/ors-conf/ids.csv",
                  "openborders": "/ors-conf/openborders.csv"

When constructing a route, no errors occur while generating graphs. Perhaps, the error is connected to the ids.csv file (the list of countries).

While generating graphs:
Снимок экрана от 2021-11-29 19-21-25

I need avoid_borders: all parameter to work when building a route