Point not within a radius of 350.0 meters


The Problem is Could not find point 0: 25.3531986 51.5214311 within a radius of 350.0 meters.; Could not find point 1: 25.3524229 51.4627229 within a radius of 350.0 meters.

The 3 main reasons for this Problem:

  1. (Most common) If both points are not found you probably just mixed up Lat and Long. Our API expects coordinates in [lon,lat] order as described in our documentation (check help button for parameter info). Output is also [lon,lat] as by the GeoJSON Specification.
    This is the reason in this case, as Doha is at lon=51… lat=25 so the input coords should be [51…,25…]

  2. The given start and endpoint are actually further than 350m away from any routable road. The default maximum distance for snapping to road segments in our API is 350m. You can use the radiuses parameter to change this value for the waypoints or use a local ors instance to customize the default value.

  3. The start and enpoint are passed with correct lon,lat-order and are within 350m of a routable road, but you still get this? You are probably running a local installation and are routing in an area that you did not build graphs for. If you can route in Heidelberg(Germany) you are still running on the default dataset.
    Our official API is building graphs globally. If you encounter this issue here, the part of the road network you are trying to route on is not part of the graph due to being cut off and being a too small subnetwork, or not having tags suitable for the vehicle profile.

Hope this clears up this issue

PS: nils as well mixed up lat lon when answering here:

doha was mixing up lat/lon, ukraine would have been a problem with us.

And yes, when working with geographic data you need to be on your toes about lat and long order as it is handled differently in many packages. Thats what documentations are there for, make sure to read them and you will know how to use stuff.

Best regards