Permission issue on sanity checks

I’m trying to run ORS via docker. Using v8.1.1

However, I can’t seem to get past the sanity checks.
I have changed permissions of ors-docker to 0:0 to 777

# Container ENV #
ⓘ Any config file settings can be overwritten by environment variables.
ⓘ Use 'CONTAINER_LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG' to see the full list of active environment variables for this container.
# Container sanity checks #
ⓘ Running container as user root with id 0 and group 0
✗ ORS_HOME: /home/ors is not writable.
✗ Make sure the file permission of /home/ors in your volume mount are set to 0:0.
✗ Under linux the command for a volume would be: sudo chown -R 0:0 /path/to/ors/volume

Here’s the docker-compose.yml

  # ----------------- ORS application configuration ------------------- #
    # Activate the following lines to build the container from the repository
    # You have to add --build to the docker compose command to do so
      context: ./
    container_name: openrouteservice
    ports:`Preformatted text`
      - "9000:8082"  # Expose the ORS API on port 9000
      - "9001:9001"  # Expose additional port for monitoring (optional)
    image: openrouteservice/openrouteservice:v8.1.1
    # image: local/openrouteservice:latest
    # Advanced option! If you different ids to 0:0 and 1000:1000, you have to rebuild the container with the build args UID,GID.
    # The user command is useful if you want easier bind mount access or better security.
    #user: "1000:1000" # Run "mkdir -p ors-docker/config ors-docker/elevation_cache ors-docker/files ors-docker/graphs ors-docker/logs && sudo chown -R 1000:1000 ors" before starting the container!
    volumes:  # Mount relative directories. ONLY for local container runtime. To switch to docker managed volumes see 'Docker Volumes configuration' section below.
      - ./ors-docker:/home/ors  # Mount the ORS application directory (for logs, graphs, elevation_cache, etc.) into its own directory
      REBUILD_GRAPHS: False  # Set to True to rebuild graphs on container start.
      CONTAINER_LOG_LEVEL: INFO  # Log level for the container. Possible values: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL
      # If you don't want the default ors-config.yml you can specify a custom file name, that should match the file in
      # your 'config' volume mount.
      #ORS_CONFIG_LOCATION: /home/ors/config/my-ors-config.yml  # Location of your ORS configuration file in the docker container

      # ------------------ JAVA OPTS ------------------ #
      # Configure the memory settings for JAVA or pass additional opts
      # Fore more available ENV properties see Prepare CATALINA_OPTS and JAVA_OPTS
      # in
      XMS: 4g  # start RAM assigned to java
      XMX: 12g # max RAM assigned to java. Rule of Thumb: <PBF-size> * <profiles> * 2
      # Example: 1.5 GB pbf size, two profiles (car and foot-walking)
      # -> 1.5 * 2 * 2 = 6. Set xmx to be AT LEAST `-Xmx6g`
      ADDITIONAL_JAVA_OPTS: ""  # further options you want to pass to the java command

      # ----------------- Properties configuration ------------------- #
      ors.engine.source_file: /home/ors/oceania.pbf
      ors.engine.graphs_root_path: /home/ors/graphs
      ors.engine.elevation.cache_path: /home/ors/elevation_cache true
      ors.engine.profiles.walking.enabled: true


have you followed the steps in the readme?

Try this:

➜  mkdir ask6407 
➜  cd ask6407                   
➜  ask6407 mkdir -p ors-docker/config ors-docker/elevation_cache ors-docker/graphs ors-docker/files ors-docker/logs

Now copy your docker-compose.yml to the folder ask6407 (remove Preformatted text from the file)

Copy your oceania.pbf to ask6407/ors-docker

You should now have this structure:

➜  ask6407 tree
├── docker-compose.yml
└── ors-docker
    ├── config
    ├── elevation_cache
    ├── files
    ├── graphs
    ├── logs
    └── oceania.pbf

Now docker compose up -d should start openrouteservice on port 9000. I have successfully tested the steps with your config.