ORS matrix calculation

Hello, I have an issue with distance matrix API. Iam getting this error “Unable to compute a distance/duration matrix: Search exceeds the limit of visited nodes”. Iam trying to give 282 locations with maximum_visited_nodes: 1000000, maximum_routes: 490000. It have been working fine in one instances, but giving above error in another instances. Someone please solve my problem, why it occurs.


the problem is just as described:
Your search exceeded the limit of visited nodes.

When doing a matrix request, the corresponding algorithm is “exploring” the underlying graph used for routing. Every node passed there (more or less corresponding to every intersection of roads) counts towards that limit.

With 282 locations (and thus, 282*281 ~ 80k routes having to be calculated, I can see the configured limit of 1000k visited nodes being reached quite easily.

You can either set a higher limit, or calculate the whole matrix in subsets.

Best regards