Optimization ORS and Vroom locally, running in Python


I start to use ORS library in Python to generate some optimization in VRP problem. Rigth now I am doing it using the ORS´s API but I would like to do it locally. Is there a way that I can install both software (ORS and VROOM) locally in order to generate optimization locally?

Best regards,


yes, both are open source :slight_smile:
Find the ors installation instructions here and the VROOM installation instructions here. Note that for vroom you might want to use vroom-express to use it with http queries.

Best regards

Hello jschnell

Great. Thank you!. My second doubt is if I install both locally, Am I will be able to run my code of optimization in Python as usual?

Best regard,


as I don’t know what your “usual” way of running optimization from python is, I don’t know :wink:
Using vroom-express, you should be able to query your local installation as you do with the ORS API.

Best regards

Thank you !

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