we are currently in the process of getting ready for the next release of openrouteservice. Because of that, it is likely that early next week there may be some downtime of the profiles whilst we deploy the update and corresponding graphs. If all goes well, the process should be finished by the end of Monday and with minimal outages.
We will post again on here when we will start the deployment.
So unfortunately due to one of our graph builders dying over the weekend, it looks like we won’t have all of the new graphs ready to deploy this week.
Because of the upcoming Christmas period where most people of the ors are away on holidays, we have decided to postpone the release until very early January where we will be able to quickly address any problems that come up from doing the update.
We apologise for the delay and any problems this causes, but we believe it is better to make sure that we have all systems ready to go and that we are available if there are any problems rather than getting the release done quickly and risk longer down periods over the Christmas period, especially as this release is a major one.