Not getting the proper response Unable to get an appropriate route profile for RoutePreference = driving-car

I have tried different way to create docker image to run openrouteservice on localhost port 8080 but getting this error.
Unable to get an appropriate route profile for RoutePreference = driving-car
following method I tried
Method1: As mentioned in the openrouteservice readme file

docker compose up -d

and tried to update graph from denmark-sweden-latest.osm.pbf
folder path: openrouteservice/docker-compose.yml, openrouteservice/data/denmark-sweden-latest.osm.pbf
but result is getting error.
Method 2: clone openrouteservice from GIScience/openrouteservice
and ARG OSM_FILE=./data/denmark-latest.osm.pbf EXPOSE 8080 ENV BUILD_GRAPHS="True"add this to dockerfile
but still not getting appropriate response.
here are my files

//Docker file -default but changed OSM_FILE: ./data/denmark-latest.osm.pbf

//docker-compose.yml -default but changed OSM_FILE: ./data/denmark-latest.osm.pbf

//ors-config.yml -default from latest
kindly guide me to success

Issue solved,
faced this issue due to, the repository being cloned from the main branch.
get the repository from the latest release Release Release 7.1.0 · GIScience/openrouteservice · GitHub
xmx9g works