Not able to access API - Service issue

I am facing issue with service since last night. Anyone else experiencing this? Wondering if we know ETA

On the website when tried, it shows Invalid API key or access to this API has been disallowed. Key is valid and also no issue with it. However when tried same with postman, it shows 503 service unavailable.
Facing above issue with v2/matrix/driving-car and v2/directions/driving-car


Dear Users,

We apologize for the inconvenience caused by the API downtime. The car profile should now be fully operational again.

What Happened?

  • A malfunctioning disk required a full server rebuild on Friday.
  • To minimize downtime, all profiles were moved to another server.
  • restarting the service in case of failure is currently not working correctly, causing the extended disruption.

The issue likely won’t be fixed before further investigation on Monday, but we’ll monitor the status today and restart manually again if needed.

Thank you for your patience. Please reach out if you experience any further issues.

Best regards


thank you for the update & bringing back service.

I’m facing the same issue as well.