Maximum distance for alternative route configuration

I’m running the ors on my local device.
I’m trying to get some alternative routes. Currently, it works well with the distance less than 100km. but when the distance is higher than that, i got a 400 response, showing that the request route distance is higher than configured value.
However, I already try changing the value in the ors-config.yml file but it still not work.
Can you please help checking what wrong on my setting ?
Thank you in advance !

'{"error":{"code":2004,"message":"Request parameters exceed the server configuration limits. With these options, the approximated route distance must not be greater than 100000.0 meters."},"info":{"engine":{"build_date":"2024-03-21T13:55:54Z","version":"8.0.0"},"timestamp":1716199170992}}'
##### openrouteservice settings file #####
# This file contains parameters for openrouteservice.
# For a full list of possible parameters see

##### General server settings #####
#  port: 8082
#  error:
#    whitelabel:
#      enabled: false
#  # Keep the context-path at / else the war file run with tomcat will have the context-path of /ors/v2 as well.
#  servlet:
#    context-path: /ors
#  profiles:
#    active: default
#  mvc:
#    servlet:
#      path: /
##### Settings related to springdoc #####
#  swagger-ui:
#    enabled: true
#    path: /swagger-ui
#    tryItOutEnabled: true
#    filter: false
#    syntaxHighlight:
#      activated: true
#    showExtensions: true
#  api-docs:
#    path: /v2/api-docs
#    version: OPENAPI_3_0
#  packages-to-scan: org.heigit.ors
#  pathsToMatch: /v2/**
##### Logging settings #####
#  file:
#    name: ./logs/ors.log
#  pattern:
#    console: "%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} %highlight{%-7p} %style{%50t}{Cyan} %style{[ %-40.40c{1.} ]}{Bright Cyan}   %m%n"
#    file: "%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} %p [%-40.40c{1.}] - %m%n"
#  level:
#    root: WARN
#    org.heigit: INFO
##### openrouteservice specific settings #####
#  cors:
#    allowed_origins: "*"
#    allowed_headers: Content-Type, X-Requested-With, accept, Origin, Access-Control-Request-Method, Access-Control-Request-Headers, Authorization
#    preflight_max_age: 600
#  messages:
#  ##### ORS endpoints settings #####
#  endpoints:
#    routing:
#      enabled: true
#      attribution:, OpenStreetMap contributors, tmc - BASt
#      gpx_name: ORSRouting
#      gpx_description: This is a directions instructions file as GPX, generated from openrouteservice
#      gpx_base_url:
#      gpx_support_mail:
#      gpx_author: openrouteservice
#      gpx_content_licence: LGPL 3.0
#      maximum_avoid_polygon_area: 200000000
#      maximum_avoid_polygon_extent: 20000
#      maximum_alternative_routes: 3
#    matrix:
#      enabled: true
#      attribution:, OpenStreetMap contributors
#      maximum_routes: 2500
#      maximum_routes_flexible: 25
#      maximum_visited_nodes: 100000
#      maximum_search_radius: 2000
#      u_turn_costs: -1
#    isochrones:
#      enabled: true
#      attribution:, OpenStreetMap contributors
#      maximum_locations: 2
#      maximum_intervals: 1
#      allow_compute_area: true
#      maximum_range_distance_default: 50000
#      maximum_range_distance:
#        - profiles: driving-car, driving-hgv
#          value: 100000
#      maximum_range_time_default: 18000
#      maximum_range_time:
#        - profiles: driving-car, driving-hgv
#          value: 3600
#      fastisochrones:
#        maximum_range_distance_default: 50000
#        maximum_range_distance:
#          - profiles: driving-car, driving-hgv
#            value: 500000
#        maximum_range_time_default: 18000
#        maximum_range_time:
#          - profiles: driving-car, driving-hgv
#            value: 10800
#    Snap:
#      enabled: true
#      attribution:, OpenStreetMap contributors
#  ##### ORS engine settings #####
    source_file: /home/ors/files/thailand-latest.osm.pbf
#    init_threads: 1
#    preparation_mode: false
#    graphs_root_path: ./graphs
#    graphs_data_access: RAM_STORE
#    elevation:
#      preprocessed: false
#      data_access: MMAP
#      cache_clear: false
#      provider: multi
#      cache_path: ./elevation_cache
#      enabled: false
#      elevation: false
#      elevation_smoothing: false
#      encoder_flags_size: 8
#      instructions: true
#      optimize: false
#      traffic: false
      maximum_distance: 5000000
#      maximum_distance_dynamic_weights: 100000
#      maximum_distance_avoid_areas: 100000
#      maximum_waypoints: 50
#      maximum_snapping_radius: 400
      maximum_distance_alternative_routes: 1000000
#      maximum_distance_round_trip_routes: 100000
#      maximum_speed_lower_bound: 80
#      maximum_visited_nodes: 1000000
#      location_index_resolution: 500
#      location_index_search_iterations: 4
#      force_turn_costs: false
#      interpolate_bridges_and_tunnels: true
#      preparation:
#        min_network_size: 200
#        methods:
#          lm:
#            enabled: true
#            threads: 1
#            weightings: recommended,shortest
#            landmarks: 16
#      execution:
#        methods:
#          lm:
#            active_landmarks: 8
#    profiles:
#      car:
#        enabled: true
#        profile: driving-car
#        maximum_distance: 5000000
#        maximum_distance_alternative_routes: 1000000
#        elevation: true
#        encoder_options:
#          turn_costs: true
#          block_fords: false
#          use_acceleration: true
#        preparation:
#          min_network_size: 200
#          methods:
#            ch:
#              enabled: true
#              threads: 1
#              weightings: fastest
#            lm:
#              enabled: false
#              threads: 1
#              weightings: fastest,shortest
#              landmarks: 16
#            core:
#              enabled: true
#              threads: 1
#              weightings: fastest,shortest
#              landmarks: 64
#              lmsets: highways;allow_all
#        execution:
#          methods:
#            lm:
#              active_landmarks: 6
#            core:
#              active_landmarks: 6
#        ext_storages:
#          WayCategory:
#          HeavyVehicle:
#          WaySurfaceType:
#          RoadAccessRestrictions:
#            use_for_warnings: true
#      hgv:
#        enabled: false
#        profile: driving-hgv
#        encoder_flags_size: 8
#        encoder_options:
#          turn_costs: true
#          block_fords: false
#          use_acceleration: true
#        maximum_distance: 100000
#        elevation: true
#        preparation:
#          min_network_size: 200
#          methods:
#            ch:
#              enabled: true
#              threads: 1
#              weightings: recommended
#            core:
#              enabled: true
#              threads: 1
#              weightings: recommended,shortest
#              landmarks: 64
#              lmsets: highways;allow_all
#        execution:
#          methods:
#            core:
#              active_landmarks: 6
#        ext_storages:
#          WayCategory:
#          HeavyVehicle:
#            restrictions: true
#          WaySurfaceType:
#      bike-regular:
#        enabled: false
#        profile: cycling-regular
#        encoder_options:
#          consider_elevation: true
#          turn_costs: true
#          block_fords: false
#        elevation: true
#        ext_storages:
#          WayCategory:
#          WaySurfaceType:
#          HillIndex:
#          TrailDifficulty:
#      bike-mountain:
#        enabled: false
#        profile: cycling-mountain
#        encoder_options:
#          consider_elevation: true
#          turn_costs: true
#          block_fords: false
#        elevation: true
#        ext_storages:
#          WayCategory:
#          WaySurfaceType:
#          HillIndex:
#          TrailDifficulty:
#      bike-road:
#        enabled: false
#        profile: cycling-road
#        encoder_options:
#          consider_elevation: true
#          turn_costs: true
#          block_fords: false
#        elevation: true
#        ext_storages:
#          WayCategory:
#          WaySurfaceType:
#          HillIndex:
#          TrailDifficulty:
#      bike-electric:
#        enabled: false
#        profile: cycling-electric
#        encoder_options:
#          consider_elevation: true
#          turn_costs: true
#          block_fords: false
#        elevation: true
#        ext_storages:
#          WayCategory:
#          WaySurfaceType:
#          HillIndex:
#          TrailDifficulty:
#      walking:
#        enabled: false
#        profile: foot-walking
#        encoder_options:
#          block_fords: false
#        elevation: true
#        ext_storages:
#          WayCategory:
#          WaySurfaceType:
#          HillIndex:
#          TrailDifficulty:
#      hiking:
#        enabled: false
#        profile: foot-hiking
#        encoder_options:
#          block_fords: false
#        elevation: true
#        ext_storages:
#          WayCategory:
#          WaySurfaceType:
#          HillIndex:
#          TrailDifficulty:
#      wheelchair:
#        enabled: false
#        profile: wheelchair
#        encoder_options:
#          block_fords: true
#        elevation: true
#        maximum_snapping_radius: 50
#        ext_storages:
#          WayCategory:
#          WaySurfaceType:
#          Wheelchair:
#            KerbsOnCrossings: true
#          OsmId:
#      public-transport:
#        enabled: false
#        profile: public-transport
#        encoder_options:
#          block_fords: false
#        elevation: true
#        maximum_visited_nodes: 1000000
#        gtfs_file: ./src/test/files/

Hi, how did you fix this?

In the docker-compose.yml file add this to the Properties configuration
ors.engine.profile_default.maximum_distance: 5000000


      # ----------------- Properties configuration ------------------- #
      ors.engine.source_file: /home/ors/files/delaware-latest.osm.pbf
      ors.engine.profile_default.maximum_distance: 5000000

Restart the container after the changes