hi, you cant test with :
Route : (7.26 km)
matrix Opt1 : (8.05 km )
curl -X POST \
'https://api.openrouteservice.org/v2/matrix/driving-car' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json, application/geo+json, application/gpx+xml, img/png; charset=utf-8' \
-H 'Authorization: %%APIKEY%%' \
-d '{"locations":[[-70.6033605,-33.5040664],[-70.609089,-33.452756]],"destinations":[0],"metrics":["distance","duration"],"resolve_locations":"true","units":"km"}'
matrix Opt2: ( 7.26 km )
curl -X POST \
'https://api.openrouteservice.org/v2/matrix/driving-car' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json, application/geo+json, application/gpx+xml, img/png; charset=utf-8' \
-H 'Authorization: %%APIKEY%%' \
-d '{"locations":[[-70.60336,-33.504066],[-70.609089,-33.452756]],"destinations":[0],"metrics":["distance","duration"],"units":"km"}'
Ok. i found the reason for that difference.
when i use the route, the latlon change from -33.5040664,-70.6033605 to -33.504066, -70.60336.
then in matrix its the same , if i use the changed latlon i receive 7.26km, but if i use the original latlon ( -33.5040664,-70.6033605), the result is 8.05Km.
if im not wrong, from Lon : -70.6033605 to -70.60336. is almost 1 meter, but in matrix calculation that meter means 1 km.
the change occurs in -70.6033601. from -70.6033600 to -70.6033601 gives me 7.26 but from -70.6033602 to -70.6033605 gives me 8.5
what do you recommend me? use 5, 6 or 7 decimals for matrix??