Mapsurfer tiles seems not operational, they take minutes to load or timeouts.
(the same happens on tile via
Thanks for checking!
Mapsurfer tiles seems not operational, they take minutes to load or timeouts.
(the same happens on tile via
Thanks for checking!
Hi @gspeed,
This is still an issue.
I will remove it from the maps.ors website soon.
Thanks for the reminder
Best regards
Uh… I see. Does it means MapSurfer.NET project is definitively dead? I see the website disappeared and github activity stopped two years ago.
It’s a pity, MapSurfer was the most visually appealing OSM-based map out there and I was hoping it entered in ORS realm! I thought this was the plan.
I agree
Sadly part of the source code is still closed and the author stated, that there are currently no plans to make it open source.
Best regards