Maps.openrouteservice config

Hello everyone,

I was wondering if there is a config file available that is used on
so I can use that on my local setup?

The routes that are generated look different. For example:

Thank you


Localhost that I call with GET-request (I can’t put the JSON response because of character limit)


no, the configuration of the openrouteservice instances powering our public API is not public.
However, even with the default config, routes should be the same.

In this case, I highly suspect that it’s to do with the Middenlaan Zunderdorp highway which has had it’s tags changed from highway=tertiary to highway=construction about a month ago.

Looking at the graph_date from the public API response, it’s from Nov 17, while the changes to the road have been introduced on Nov 20, so they are not included in the data.

You could check that by running an older version of noord-holland.osm.pbf, available here (click on raw directory index)

If you’re interested in the why of our update timings, have a look here.

Best regards

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