Looking to get directions tailored for a 50cc scooter. Any ideas?

Hello all,
Newcomer. But I’ve used many APIs before. This is so nice! I recently got a 50cc scooter to cruise around. My area has a mix of roads from 20 mph up to 55 mph. The scooter can go 35 mph at max. I looked around for a nav app with such features like max speed or fine tuned route preferences to no avail on Android. Then I found this API. I want to avoid 45 mph roads OR use them only briefly for connecting two back roads. Sometimes those high speed road can’t be avoided.

I want to make an app that prefers the back roads if you will. Could anyone give me some advice on how to do that with ORS? Paramters and such.

I’ve been playing in the API playground. So useful. I see for driving, the max speed parameter is 50 mph or 80 kmh. So that likely won’t work? I was thinking about pulling the various different routes for bikes and walking to offer many route options.

There used to be an app on the Play Store called ScootRoute. It was really good at this type of routing. I’m not sure of their magic sauce. But it made sure you weren’t on fast roads for long if you had to. I’m trying to make something like that since it hasn’t been available for many months.

Thank you!

Still around if anyone has suggestions.

I’m no longer interested in using this service for my app. 17 views… Oh well. Get what you pay for.