Looking for a round tripe route generator

For a research project i am looking for a tool / API that is able to spit out a route, based on a start point and a distance the route should be, since it will be for running. Would this be possible using the openroute services?


yes, the openrouteservice is capable of generating round trips.
Have a look at the optionsround_trip POST parameter.

You can play with this either via the playground or in the client - use the :arrows_clockwise:-Button next to the Random seed-parameter to get a feeling for what kinds of routes will be returned and how they might differ.

Best regards

Hi @jschnell thanks for your response! I am playing around with it and i was wondering: Is it also possible to just get all all of the waypoints returned as coordinates? My plan is to use these waypoints in combination with a google maps map in order to show the route on a mobile app


if you’re using the /json-endpoint, you’ll get the route back as an encoded polyline, which when decoding will yield the coordinates.
What might be easier though is to use the /geojson-endpoint, as that will already include the coordinates in plain text, following the GeoJSON-specification.

Best regards