I am fairly new to using openrouteservice and I have recently transitioned to using the locally hosted version. I am having issues when I compose up. When I compose up, I end up with this message:
Attaching to ors-app
': No such file or directorye 'bash
ors-app exited with code 127
And then it automatically exits. I am on a Windows computer and I downloaded the Windows distribution a few months ago (I believe in June). I have no idea what is causing this issue or how to fix it.
could you please give some more information on what exactly you tried?
Besides the detailed explanations in our ‘running with docker’ page (see link in jschnell’s post)
there a is a shorter installation description in the readme.
Make sure, you also created the sub directories in your local directory ors-docker, which is mounted as volume in the docker compose file. Inside the container, this directory has the name ‘/home/ors’ and is expected to have some specific sub folders. The error you posted could be caused by a missing directory.
You can create the directories with your file explorer, in a bash shell this could also be done as described in the readme with
Ah, just to be on the same page: You did not try the way with the docker-compose.yml from the release assets (e.g. https://github.com/GIScience/openrouteservice/releases/download/v8.2.0/docker-compose.yml) - you cloned the repository and tried to run docker compose in the project directory, right? This should work as well, i just tried it successfully. Renaming the entrypoint script is not necessary.
On which version is your local repo? Perhaps post the output of git status.
You could also set the debug levels to DEBUG. Change these properties in docker-compose.yml:
logging.level.org.heigit: DEBUG # line 55
Maybe you find a hint in the logs, or post the whole logging output.