Increase the number of routes in the matrix

Hello all,

Hope you’re all alright

I’m trying for multiples days to increase my limit of routes in the matrix. I’m using OpenRouteService with Docker therefore I’m using the ors-config.yml that is located in the docker/conf/ file

Here is my ors-config.yml

##### openrouteservice settings file #####
# This file contains parameters for openrouteservice.
# For a full list of possible parameters see documentation, below are some examples.

### uncomment the following lines to turn on debug output
#  log4j2:
#    config:
#      override: classpath:logs/DEBUG_LOGGING.json

  ### uncomment the following lines to change CORS settings.
  #  allowed_origins: "*"
  #  allowed_headers: Content-Type, X-Requested-With, accept, Origin, Access-Control-Request-Method, Access-Control-Request-Headers, Authorization
  #  preflight_max_age: 600
    ### use the following line for development setup using test OSM file for Heidelberg
    #source_file: ./src/test/files/heidelberg.osm.gz
    source_file: ./ors-core/data/merged.osm.pbf
    graphs_root_path: ./ors-core/data/graphs
      cache_path: ./ors-core/data/elevation_cache

        maximum_routes: 100000

        profile: driving-car
        elevation: true
        maximum_distance: 100000000
          turn_costs: true
          block_fords: false
          use_acceleration: true
          min_network_size: 200
          min_one_way_network_size: 200
              enabled: true
              threads: 1
              weightings: fastest
              enabled: false
              threads: 1
              weightings: fastest,shortest
              landmarks: 16
              enabled: true
              threads: 1
              weightings: fastest,shortest
              landmarks: 64
              lmsets: highways;allow_all
              disabling_allowed: true
              disabling_allowed: true
              active_landmarks: 6
              disabling_allowed: true
              active_landmarks: 6
            use_for_warnings: true

I know that it’s correctly taken into account as I’ve change the map I want to use and increase the maximum_distance

Now when running it I’m encounter always
Response: {‘error’: {‘code’: 6004, ‘message’: ‘Request parameters exceed the server configuration limits. Only a total of 2500 routes are allowed.’}, ‘info’: {‘engine’: {‘build_date’: ‘2023-11-03T14:59:37Z’, ‘version’: ‘8.0’}, ‘timestamp’: 1699285049876}}

While I tried to modify it and integrate the “services > matrix > maximum_routes” it seems to not be taken into account

Can someone help me with this matter

sorry we’re behind with properly documenting the new configuration setup. The location for the setting you are looking for should be endpoints.matrix.maximum_routes. In YAML:

    maximum_routes: 2500

Hope this helps.

ive edited the yml file and run docker but i still get same errros
what am i doing wrong ?

##### openrouteservice settings file #####
# This file contains parameters for openrouteservice.
# For a full list of possible parameters see

##### General server settings #####
#  port: 8082
#  error:
#    whitelabel:
#      enabled: false
  # Keep the context-path at / else the war file run with tomcat will have the context-path of /ors/v2 as well.
#  servlet:
#    context-path: /ors

#  profiles:
#    active: default
#  mvc:
#    servlet:
#      path: /

##### Settings related to springdoc #####
#  swagger-ui:
#    enabled: true
#    path: /swagger-ui
#    tryItOutEnabled: true
#    filter: false
#    syntaxHighlight:
#      activated: true
#    showExtensions: true
#  api-docs:
#    path: /v2/api-docs
#    version: OPENAPI_3_0
#  packages-to-scan: org.heigit.ors
#  pathsToMatch: /v2/**

##### Logging settings #####
#  level:
#    root: WARN
#    org.heigit: INFO

##### openrouteservice specific settings #####
#  cors:
#    allowed_origins: "*"
#    allowed_headers: Content-Type, X-Requested-With, accept, Origin, Access-Control-Request-Method, Access-Control-Request-Headers, Authorization
#    preflight_max_age: 600

#  messages:

  ##### ORS endpoints settings #####
#    routing:
#      enabled: true
#      attribution:, OpenStreetMap contributors, tmc - BASt
#      gpx_name: ORSRouting
#      gpx_description: This is a directions instructions file as GPX, generated from openrouteservice
#      gpx_base_url:
#      gpx_support_mail:
#      gpx_author: openrouteservice
#      gpx_content_licence: LGPL 3.0
#      maximum_avoid_polygon_area: 200000000
#      maximum_avoid_polygon_extent: 20000
#      maximum_alternative_routes: 3
#      enabled: true
#      attribution:, OpenStreetMap contributors
       maximum_routes: 10000000
#      maximum_routes_flexible: 25
#      maximum_visited_nodes: 100000
#      maximum_search_radius: 2000
#      u_turn_costs: -1
#    isochrone:
#      enabled: true
#      attribution:, OpenStreetMap contributors
#      maximum_locations: 2
#      maximum_intervals: 1
#      allow_compute_area: true
#      maximum_range_distance_default: 50000
#      maximum_range_distance:
#        - profiles: driving-car, driving-hgv
#          value: 100000
#      maximum_range_time_default: 18000
#      maximum_range_time:
#        - profiles: driving-car, driving-hgv
#          value: 3600
#      fastisochrones:
#        maximum_range_distance_default: 50000
#        maximum_range_distance:
#          - profiles: driving-car, driving-hgv
#            value: 500000
#        maximum_range_time_default: 18000
#        maximum_range_time:
#          - profiles: driving-car, driving-hgv
#            value: 10800
#    Snap:
#      enabled: true
#      attribution:, OpenStreetMap contributors

  ##### ORS engine settings #####
#    init_threads: 1
#    preparation_mode: false
    source_file:  ors-api/src/test/files/heidelberg.osm.gz
#    graphs_root_path: ./graphs
#    graphs_data_access: RAM_STORE
#    elevation:
#      preprocessed: false
#      data_access: MMAP
#      cache_clear: false
#      provider: multi
#      cache_path: ./elevation_cache
#    profile_default:
#      enabled: false
#      elevation: false
#      elevation_smoothing: false
#      encoder_flags_size: 8
#      instructions: true
#      optimize: false
#      traffic: false
       maximum_distance: 10000000
      maximum_distance_dynamic_weights: 10000000
      maximum_distance_avoid_areas: 10000000
       maximum_waypoints: 5000
      maximum_snapping_radius: 400
      maximum_distance_alternative_routes: 10000000
      maximum_distance_round_trip_routes: 10000000
#      maximum_speed_lower_bound: 80
#      maximum_visited_nodes: 1000000
#      location_index_resolution: 500
#      location_index_search_iterations: 4
#      force_turn_costs: false
#      interpolate_bridges_and_tunnels: true
#      preparation:
#        min_network_size: 200
#        min_one_way_network_size: 200
#        methods:
#          lm:
#            enabled: true
#            threads: 1
#            weightings: recommended,shortest
#            landmarks: 16
#      execution:
#        methods:
#          lm:
#            disabling_allowed: true
#            active_landmarks: 8
        enabled: true
        profile: driving-car
#        elevation: true
#        encoder_options:
#          turn_costs: true
#          block_fords: false
#          use_acceleration: true
#        preparation:
#          min_network_size: 200
#          min_one_way_network_size: 200
#          methods:
#            ch:
#              enabled: true
#              threads: 1
#              weightings: fastest
#            lm:
#              enabled: false
#              threads: 1
#              weightings: fastest,shortest
#              landmarks: 16
#            core:
#              enabled: true
#              threads: 1
#              weightings: fastest,shortest
#              landmarks: 64
#              lmsets: highways;allow_all
#        execution:
#          methods:
#            ch:
#              disabling_allowed: true
#            lm:
#              disabling_allowed: true
#              active_landmarks: 6
#            core:
#              disabling_allowed: true
#              active_landmarks: 6
#        ext_storages:
#          WayCategory:
#          HeavyVehicle:
#          WaySurfaceType:
#          RoadAccessRestrictions:
#            use_for_warnings: true
#      hgv:
#        enabled: false
#        profile: driving-hgv
#        encoder_flags_size: 8
#        encoder_options:
#          turn_costs: true
#          block_fords: false
#          use_acceleration: true
#       maximum_distance: 10000000
#        elevation: true
#        preparation:
#          min_network_size: 200
#          min_one_way_network_size: 200
#          methods:
#            ch:
#              enabled: true
#              threads: 1
#              weightings: recommended
#            core:
#              enabled: true
#              threads: 1
#              weightings: recommended,shortest
#              landmarks: 64
#              lmsets: highways;allow_all
#        execution:
#          methods:
#            ch:
#              disabling_allowed: true
#            core:
#              disabling_allowed: true
#              active_landmarks: 6
#        ext_storages:
#          WayCategory:
#          HeavyVehicle:
#            restrictions: true
#          WaySurfaceType:
#      bike-regular:
#        enabled: false
#        profile: cycling-regular
#        encoder_options:
#          consider_elevation: true
#          turn_costs: true
#          block_fords: false
#        elevation: true
#        ext_storages:
#          WayCategory:
#          WaySurfaceType:
#          HillIndex:
#          TrailDifficulty:
#      bike-mountain:
#        enabled: false
#        profile: cycling-mountain
#        encoder_options:
#          consider_elevation: true
#          turn_costs: true
#          block_fords: false
#        elevation: true
#        ext_storages:
#          WayCategory:
#          WaySurfaceType:
#          HillIndex:
#          TrailDifficulty:
#      bike-road:
#        enabled: false
#        profile: cycling-road
#        encoder_options:
#          consider_elevation: true
#          turn_costs: true
#          block_fords: false
#        elevation: true
#        ext_storages:
#          WayCategory:
#          WaySurfaceType:
#          HillIndex:
#          TrailDifficulty:
#      bike-electric:
#        enabled: false
#        profile: cycling-electric
#        encoder_options:
#          consider_elevation: true
#          turn_costs: true
#          block_fords: false
#        elevation: true
#        ext_storages:
#          WayCategory:
#          WaySurfaceType:
#          HillIndex:
#          TrailDifficulty:
#      walking:
#        enabled: false
#        profile: foot-walking
#        encoder_options:
#          block_fords: false
#        elevation: true
#        ext_storages:
#          WayCategory:
#          WaySurfaceType:
#          HillIndex:
#          TrailDifficulty:
#      hiking:
#        enabled: false
#        profile: foot-hiking
#        encoder_options:
#          block_fords: false
#        elevation: true
#        ext_storages:
#          WayCategory:
#          WaySurfaceType:
#          HillIndex:
#          TrailDifficulty:
#      wheelchair:
#        enabled: false
#        profile: wheelchair
#        encoder_options:
#          block_fords: true
#        elevation: true
#        maximum_snapping_radius: 50
#        ext_storages:
#          WayCategory:
#          WaySurfaceType:
#          Wheelchair:
#            KerbsOnCrossings: true
#          OsmId:
#      public-transport:
#        enabled: false
#        profile: public-transport
#        encoder_options:
#          block_fords: false
#        elevation: true
#        maximum_visited_nodes: 1000000
#        gtfs_file: ./src/test/files/

my errors :

Error response: {"code":3,"error":"Request parameters exceed the server configuration limits. Only a total of 2500 routes are allowed."}

Map.js:94 Server responded with 400: {"error":{"code":2004,"message":"Request parameters exceed the server configuration limits. The approximated route distance must not be greater than 100000.0 meters."},"info":{"engine":{"build_date":"2023-11-16T15:05:35Z","version":"7.2.0"},"timestamp":1708709315520}}

probably because profile_default is still commented.
If you uncomment in yml, you have to uncomment the whole tree.

Also check your /ors/v2/status endpoint, which i think lists some of the defined limits.

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