Inclination Calculation for Wheelchair Profile

Hi Everyone,

Would anyone know how the inclination calculation on user preference is being calculated for the wheelchair profile? Does it only take in the incline in percentage (%) or in degrees (°)… from the maps openrouteservice it is stated that it is only in percentage(%) but then what happens if it is in degrees(°) or up or down?

Because in OSM there are different kinds of inclination there are % some are in degrees and some are just up or down.

Please Advise, Thank you!

Hi @0zyxel0
ors looks at the tag value and then tries to convert whatever is there into a percentage. The code for it is at openrouteservice/ at 76d7c97761bdf768d22db5157332d8b9e25823c5 · GIScience/openrouteservice · GitHub, and there it shows you the end percentage values that the different tag values are converted to.

Hope that helps

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Thank you for this, Would you recommend just annotating the inclination of a street in percentage (%) rather than in degrees (°)?

As currently, I am trying to check what happens to the routing if all the tags needed are present for the wheelchair routing.

In general, percentages are more common so that is what I personally would go for. The OSM wiki page recommends using percentages and only to use degrees where it is already common (I am not sure though what they mean when they say “common” as that could mean common in everyday life or that degrees are already used in that area in OSM…):

I see, Thank you for this information. I just have one more question, does the ORS take into consideration the direction of travel?

for example
in the given image the kerb incline would be a decline or an incline depending on the direction of travel but does the ORS take this into account? or it does not matter what direction I am going?


there is currently only an option for maximum incline for wheelchair routing, the API doesn’t distinguish between going up- or downhill. Therefore, the ors regards both incline and decline as “the same” when deciding on routes. More info on this can be found in this issue.

Best regards