Helper to run redo and run docker image as container

There’s a neat script that I’ve made for developing image:

# Made by Lauri Jakku <>


errcheck() {
	if [ $1 -eq 0 ]
		echo $*
		exit 1

# WARNING: THIS WILL CLEAN EVERY IMAGE in system (local ones)!
echo "Cleaning up the system ..................."
docker ps | grep -v "IMAGE.*CREATED" | awk '{ print "docker rm --force " $1 }' | sh

echo "Building ..................."
docker buildx build --network=host --iidfile=$tmp.imghash .
errcheck $? "Docker build error"

IMGHASH=$(cat $tmp.imghash| sed 's,sha256:\(............\).*,\1,')
echo "Built $IMGHASH ..................."
docker create --init --privileged --network="host" --name="$CNTNAME" $IMGHASH
errcheck $? "Docker Create error"

# Check container id
CNTID=$(docker ps -a | grep $IMGHASH | head -1 | awk '{ print $1 }')
echo "Running container $CNTID  (Made from image $IMGHASH) ..................."
docker start $CNTID
errcheck $? "Docker start $CNTID error"

echo "To exceute command in container:"
echo "    docker exec -it --privileged $CNTID  <command>"

The script will rebuild the project in current working directory and run it in container and provide command to run command(s) inside the container.

   The script will (if not modified) delete ALL images within the docker.
   YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED, I take no responsibility what so ever from
   possible dataloss or what ever, while using the script.

There you go… happy hacking :smiley: