Hello all you wonderful people,
I’ve been able to setup ORS (port 8080, server status: healthy) and VROOM (listening on port 3000, sent request, code = 200) correctly with no issues. Previously I was able to use the api with python + folium to generate maps and routes quite easily, but am now switching to self-hosted. Before I switched to local I utilized the following lines of code:
import requests
import folium
from folium.plugins import BeautifyIcon
import openrouteservice as ors
client = ors.Client(key='#######################')
m = folium.Map(location=[44.9778, -93.2650], tiles='cartodbpositron', zoom_start=11)
#more lines
optimized = client.optimization(
geometry=True, ## will output the geometry,
# Add the output to the map
for color, route in zip(['green', 'red', 'blue', 'orange'], optimized['routes']):
decoded = ors.convert.decode_polyline(route['geometry']) # Route geometry is encoded
gj = folium.GeoJson(
name='Route {}'.format(route['vehicle'] + 1),
data={"type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [{"type": "Feature",
"geometry": decoded,
"properties": {"color": color}
style_function=lambda x: {"color": x['properties']['color']}
And my inquiry is how to exactly change the lines:
optimized = client.optimization(
geometry=True, ## will output the geometry,
to work with the following lines of code and my local instance.
I’m currently using
call = requests.post('http://localhost:3000', json=body, headers=headers)
to post the body, inclusive of vehicles and locations, to VROOM.
Any help is appreciated, Thank you.