Exit code 127 (self hosted)

Dear Community!
I am running into an issue when I am trying to run a self hosted openrouteservice with another OSM dataset than the Heidelberg area

My system: Windows 10, Openrouteservice v8.1.3

I did following steps:

  1. Create a fresh folder openrouteservice using git clone

  2. Create empty folders for ors-docker using
    mkdir ors-docker\config ors-docker\elevation_cache ors-docker\graphs ors-docker\files ors-docker\logs

  3. Get the 8.1.3 version of docker-compose.yml and move it to the base directory openrouteservice

  4. Move my custom osm file (norway-latest.osm.pbf) to ors-docker/files/norway-latest.osm.pbf

  5. Update the ors-config.yml file:
    remove line 9: source_file: ors-api/src/test/files/heidelberg.test.pbf
    add line 9: source_file: ors-docker/files/norway-latest.osm.pbf

In the beginning, I tried to run after step 5. This led to an error after running for like 5 seconds.

Attaching to ors-app
': No such file or directorye 'bash
ors-app exited with code 127

So, I starting looking what the error might be. I found that this error might relate to windows line endings. So, I tried the following:

  1. Change to unix line endings using
    dos2unix docker-compose.yml
    dos2unix ors-config.yml

Then I continue as normal

  1. docker compose up --build

This runs for a while until it eventually crashes with the same error:

Attaching to ors-app
': No such file or directorye 'bash
ors-app exited with code 127

I really don’t know what I am doing wrong. Is there a stupid mistake which I don’t see? I appreciate any help on the issue. Thanks.


there’s a few things here:

this only has an effect, if you then move your ors-config.yml into ors-docker/config.

If you are doing that, you are building the image with the Dockerfile that you just checked out.
If you want to run 8.1.3 (which I assume you do, since you specifically downloaded that), then you don’t need the --build, and you don’t need the openrouteservice repo at all.

Check our docs at https://giscience.github.io/openrouteservice/run-instance/running-with-docker - you can switch to an older version of the docs with the toggle on top.

Best regards

Thanks for the catch! I did not realize that the ors-config.yml file must be in the ors-docker/config folder. Following the instructions on the documentation page and just doing docker compose up -d without cloning the repository and then changing the osm file worked out.