Error: out of bounds

Hello, I wanted to create a distance matrix. However, I only get a bad message.

My jason string;

The answer: {“error”:{“code”:6010,“message”:“Source point(s) [0, 1, 2, 3] out of bounds: 51.7461,6.8678; 51.7461,6.8678; 6.8678,51.7461; 6.8678,51.7461. Destination point(s) [0, 1, 2, 3] out of bounds: 51.7461,6.8678; 51.7461,6.8678; 6.8678,51.7461; 6.8678,51.7461”},“info”:{“engine”:{“version”:“6.3.0”,“build_date”:“2020-09-24T19:06:09Z”},“timestamp”:1600976823856}}

Quellcode /Logs:

Thank you!

Hi Julian,

have you selected the correct openstreetmap file for your openrouteservice? Out of bounds means that the points are not within your graph.
You are trying to query in NRW, so you need openrouteservice to run with a file that contains NRW.
The file can be set in app.config under routing.sources


Hey Hendrik,

Yes i have a map from NRW. (

“sources”: [

and docker - compose.yml
- ./map/map.pbf:/ors-core/map/map.pbf

(Discord / Ts would be available in German ?)

Thank you

Hi Julian,

you seem to have two lat lon order mixed together here. At least one of those will not be in NRW.

If this does not help, try switching lat lon with lon lat.