Engine Limit values with integer max value

Hello everyone, i need increase max_visited_nodes more than integer max value. I got this error:

{"code":3,"error":"Unable to compute a distance/duration matrix: Search exceeds the limit of visited nodes."}

This is my config:

        maximum_distance: 2147483647
        maximum_routes: 160000
        maximum_distance_dynamic_weights: 2147483647
        maximum_distance_avoid_areas: 2147483647
        maximum_waypoints: 2147483647
        maximum_snapping_radius: 1000
        maximum_distance_alternative_routes: 2147483647
        maximum_distance_round_trip_routes: 2147483647
        maximum_visited_nodes: 2147483647

When i increase the maximum_visited_nodes more than “2147483647” error throwed from java integer and long type converting.


as you have already opened an issue for that, we’ll track any progress on this there.

Out of curiosity, this is getting close to the max. number of nodes in OSM - may I ask what you are doing/analyzing that the number has to be as high?

Best regards

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