Directions default behavior

I’m looking for some insight into the directions algorithm regarding the following situation:

I have 2 routes visiting the same 3 addresses. Both routes end at the same address, their difference is in the tour order of the other two. Direction settings are all default.

According to the matrix, the left route is significantly longer both in time and distance.

After going from address 0 to 1, instead of taking a huge highway to address 2, why isn’t the algorithm turning back (the roads ARE both ways) and then using the same path taken by the second route?

The cost of going back from address 0 to 1 would make the route take a bit longer, but the distance traveled would still be quite shorter. Does that mean the default behavior is to prioritize time (thus favoring highways)? If so, can I directly force the algorithm to consider only distance (the parameters I found were only about avoiding roundabouts, setting max speed, and such)?


It’s a touch more involved, not only prioritizing time but also “suitability” of roads, but in general you’ll get the fastest route.

If you want to change that, you can us the preference-parameter and change that to shortest.

Best regards

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