[SQL: SELECT anon_1.osm_id AS anon_1_osm_id, anon_1.osm_type AS anon_1_osm_type, ST_Distance(anon_1.geom, ST_GeogFromText(%(param_1)s)) AS “ST_Distance_1”, ST_AsBinary(anon_1.geom) AS anon_1_geom, array_agg(thethingy_tags.key) AS keys, array_agg(thethingy_tags.value) AS values, array_agg(thethingy_categories.category) AS categories
FROM (SELECT thethingy.osm_type AS osm_type, thethingy.osm_id AS osm_id, thethingy.geom AS geom, thethingy.src_index AS src_index, thethingy.delflag AS delflag
FROM thethingy
WHERE ST_DWithin(ST_Intersection(ST_Buffer(ST_GeogFromText(%(param_2)s), %(ST_Buffer_1)s), ST_GeogFromText(%(param_3)s)), thethingy.geom, %(ST_DWithin_1)s)) AS anon_1 LEFT OUTER JOIN thethingy_tags ON anon_1.osm_type = thethingy_tags.osm_type AND anon_1.osm_id = thethingy_tags.osm_id LEFT OUTER JOIN thethingy_categories ON anon_1.osm_type = thethingy_categories.osm_type AND anon_1.osm_id = thethingy_categories.osm_id GROUP BY anon_1.osm_id, anon_1.osm_type, anon_1.geom]
[parameters: {‘param_1’: ‘POINT (8.8034 53.0756)’, ‘param_2’: ‘POINT (8.8034 53.0756)’, ‘ST_Buffer_1’: 200, ‘param_3’: ‘POLYGON ((8.7834 53.0456, 8.8034 53.0456, 8.8034 53.0756, 8.7834 53.0756, 8.7834 53.0456))’, ‘ST_DWithin_1’: 0}]
(Background on this error at: Error Messages — SQLAlchemy 2.0 Documentation)
… i dont have a clue, how to fix