Create multiple isochrones at once

Great! This works when I type it into Debian. Many thanks!

I am trying to build isochrones for a list of 800 locations (with location name and coordinates). Is there a way to do that easily like this example for directions (http://localhost:8080/ors/v2/directions/driving-car?start=-75.5506728,39.7542129&end=-75.48852615052834,39.76519448222) ?

As I’m not a programmer, ideally, I would like to create such URL, paste it into the address bar and use the generated geojson in QGIS. (I had a look at the docs Dashboard | ORS).

I tried this http://localhost:8080/ors/v2/isochrones/driving-car?“locations”=[[-75.5506728,39.7542129],[-75.48852615052834,39.76519448222]],“range”=[900],“id”=“Location1,Location2”,“range_type”=“time”
but this does not seem valid.

I know I’m an absolute beginner, but any pointers to achieve my goal would be much appreciated.


as this is not relevant to the original topic, I moved it :slight_smile:

To answer your question - if you’re usin QGIS anyways, I’d recommend you also use the QGIS plugin. This can be connected to your local backend using the provider settings.
You can then easily import your locations and calculate isochrones for all of them at once.

Best regards

Thanks. I’m aware of the QGIS plugin, but I’m limited by the 60 min maximum. I’m trying to replicate things for e.g. 90 min.

Is this possibly easily as I tried it?


if you’re running a local backend anyways, you’re not bound to the 60 min maximum. You can set maximum_range_distance and maximum_range_time in your config file for this :slight_smile:

Best regards

Great! I managed to do that and finally generated a few isochrones for Delaware (small US state - good for testing). Hurrah!

I used Postman for the POST request (http://localhost:8080/ors/v2/isochrones/driving-car). In the body I have {“locations”:[[-75.5506728,39.7542129],[-75.39977801652984,38.68673370800561]],“range”:[5400]}.

What would really be the cherry on the cake, is to be able to define the name of each location (e.g. “Location1”, “Location2”) in the body (and the output). I’ve been able to do this with the QGIS plugin, but can’t seem to find how it works with the local instance.

Do you know how to do this?

Thanks ever so much!

You can just point the qgis plugin to your local instance and do the same as before.
Just add an additional provider, or just change the url of the existing one to http://localhost:8080/ors.

This is amazing. It works!

Many thanks!