"Could not find routable route" despite one existing within radius


I am trying to get the route from a field to a processing facility in California using the HGV profile. This code used to run a few months ago but no longer does.

field_to_processing=[[-121.88287, 38.89946], [-121.950475, 38.555606]]

    radiuses=[10000, 10000]

… returns the error:

'Could not find routable point within a radius of 10000.0 meters of specified coordinate 0: -121.8828700 38.8994600.'

Changing the starting place to a point along a county road less than 3km away does return a route.

road_to_processing=[[-121.88287, 38.925229], [-121.950475, 38.555606]]

    radiuses=[10000, 10000]

This route should be within the 10km radius of field_to_processing and I can’t figure out why it wouldn’t return this route on the first go.

Here’s a screenshot that shows the field coordinate and road coordinate (connected by the blue line), and the start of the road_to_processing route in red.

BTW the driving-car profile will return a route from the field to the processing facility but I would really like to use the driving-hgv profile.

Thanks in advance for your help :slight_smile:



the error message is a bit confusing in this case, sorry for that.
For the public API instance, the maximum snapping radius you can specify is 2000m, iirc.

There is already an issue regarding the error messages in this case, I have linked your findings to there.

Best regards

Hi Jakob

Thanks for your reply! That would explain why the other route wasn’t being returned.

Has this maximum radius changed in the last few months? I used to be able to run this code no problems (I’m using the collaborative plan by the way). Is there any way to change the maximum radius to 10km?


Hi Jakob

Just following up on my previous message in case it got lost in the shuffle.

Any help or insight would be much appreciated!


Hi Sara,

if you are still having issues with this, please open an issue in our backend repo so it can be discussed further there.