I cannot figure out the difference between these requests. The points are nearby, but one of the queries is not working
doesn’t work
works fine
This is all in Russia by the way
first of all, please note that sharing a request like this does expose your private api key to the public - you might want to consider replacing it with “key” or something similar.
On to your question:
If you go to mark the non-working endpoint on a map and draw a circle with a radius of 350m around it, you’ll see that no valid point that could be routed to is within that circle - it’s only woods and ORS doesn’t support free overland routing.
import folium
m = folium.Map()
# start
folium.CircleMarker(location = [59.79966883727175, 30.377169721434196], radius=1, color="blue").add_to(m)
# Working end
folium.Circle(location = [60.671416167036, 29.314948027344], radius=350, color="green").add_to(m)
# Non-Working end
folium.Circle(location = [60.456287708753, 29.807628605937], radius=350, color="red").add_to(m)
This is some example python code, to be run in a jupyter notebook or similar, that’ll show what I’m talking about.
The easiest way around this is to choose points as start and end points that are actually route-able to, i.e. already on a street of sorts. Otherwise, you can increase the search-radius by using the “radiuses”-parameter of a POST-request, compare the API documentation.
Best regards,