Costum edge speed (impedance)

Hi guys.

I’m experimenting with classic traffic assignment problem with a o-d-matrix. Ideally, this would be done by increasing the time needed on a road segment if capacity is reached (using a CR-function), so that in the next iteration, drivers would pick a faster route if there is any. In ORS, this maybe could be achieved by tweaking with the max-speed parameter or create a costum edge-speed on a segment.

Is there a way to create impedance/change edge attributes on the ors-graph-network during runtime? The graph-folder is mounted as a volume, so technically it should be possible in my understanding. But I wasn’t able to edit or open any files in it.

I just discovered this unanswered question. Sorry for the late reply.

Currently, there is no way to modify the edge attributes during run-time. However, ORS has the experimental feature “CsvGraphStorage” where you could provide multiple values for an OSM-Way (not a graph edge!) and select which column you like at request time. The CSV-file can be exchanged without rebuilding the graph, but you still would need to restart your ORS service in order to reload the new data.

Best regards