Configuring ORS to provide extra data

If I run my own instance of ORS is it easy to configure it to provide extra data for each way/road
I’m hoping to get either OSM_ID and/or Maximum Speed

failing that , is there a method where an end user device like an android can poll a database and collect this data from OSM somehow on a road by road basis according to the route provided ( which I guess would still require OSM-ID as a key) ?


No easy way, sorry… We don’t (yet) return OSM IDs, however, it’s smth we might want to support in the future. If your intention is to display the speed ORS assumes for specific roads, maxspeed is not reliable (and often not present in the tagging anyways)… See here for speed calculation:

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Hi Nils,
At least in New Zealand the max_speed tag is actually very reliable, every road with a legislated limit and roading authorities regularly update osm with any changes. The osmid would certainly assist because I could then make 3rd party calls to another service to attain the max_speed tag.

Oh yeah, NZ, sure, that makes sense! Gotta love that country, government updating OSM haha heaven!

Sorry that we can’t help you at this time. I’m pretty sure no routing service supports this at the minute (I know Valhalla and GraphHopper don’t, OSRM no idea). This is also due to the fact, that routing edges are not equal to OSM edges (also this is true for all routing services), so they don’t map 1:1. Mostly we’re separating OSM edges (e.g. at intersections), but I think also aggregate in some cases.

And look at the speed calculation section. If there’s crappy surface, we don’t respect maxspeed but calculate with much lower speeds (if the surface is tagged that is). Also, we take 95% of the maxspeed even if we do take it for speed.

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