I’m learning to use the new maps client, and am trying to compare route times and lengths.
In my test case, there is the long way around on highways, or the short way over a mountain road. The client will let me route a bike over the mountain road, but not a vehicle, even though I know for a fact that the road is passible.
For my purposes I need to be able to include all roads, for all vehicle types, as possibilities. I have spent considerable time making adjustments in the ors-map-filters.js with no affect.
What is the appropriate way to change the configuration for this purpose?
The client is responsible for sending the parameters/filters according to what is supported by ORS API. In this case, the restriction is related to the routing engine (our API) and not the client. So I guess you would have to run a local instance of our back-end/API in order to achieve your purpose.
In this case, I ask you to post your question in the category related to ORS back-end, so the people that are more involved with it can potentially help you.
If you want to run the app on a localhost:port
you need to only change the port of your machine, not the one inside docker. -p port-on-your-machine:port-within-docker
if the app is exposed inside the docker on port 8080, you need to leave the second value on 8080.
However as @amon mentioned, this is a backend issue and has to do with the way graphs are built.
Not all ways are included in the graph for every profile due to tags such as bycicle:no or car:no.