Change Acceptance Radius for Points

I have been using the 2 layer point to point directions feature of ORSTools with QGIS 3.10.5. I have been studying rural America and have had about 20% of the queries failing because my start points are more than 350 meters from any road. There is a “Radiuses” parameter I can add to the API query to change the 350 meter limit after the preferences:fastest option.
How can I add the radiuses:-1 into the call to the api in the simplest way possible? I studied the Python code but couldn’t figure out where to add the command. I am willing to hard code my radius and don’t need to add to the menu in QGIS.

I really appreciate any tips!

Just add params['radiuses'] = [-1, -1] here:

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Works perfectly. Exactly what I was trying but couldn’t find correct location. This helps immensely. Cheers.

Hello, I am running into the same issue with the 1 layer point method. Coding certainly isn’t my strong suit. I have found the correct .py file, but I do not see a line similar to the “params[‘coordinates’] = coordinates” listed above.

Where is the correct location to input the “params[‘radiuses’] = [-1, -1]” for the 1 layer method?
Thank you!

Hi @AlexCarline89,

if you are in the correct file it is, as nils posted above, in the line 268 where you have to paste it.

make sure to not confuse it with (nice naming @nils :P)

when I am using the 2 layer point to point directions it give me this error. How can I fixed it in the new version?
Route from F1042DL to Boral caused a ApiError:
404 ({“error”:{“code”:2010,“message”:“Could not find routable point within a radius of 350.0 meters of specified coordinate 0: 144.0070590 -37.4468930.”},“info”:{“engine”:{“build_date”:“2024-08-13T07:37:07Z”,“version”:“8.1.2”},“timestamp”:1724812090133}})


the API hasn’t changed, so either you choose a point closer to the road or you try your luck with the radiuses parameter.

Best regards