I have been using the 2 layer point to point directions feature of ORSTools with QGIS 3.10.5. I have been studying rural America and have had about 20% of the queries failing because my start points are more than 350 meters from any road. There is a “Radiuses” parameter I can add to the API query to change the 350 meter limit after the preferences:fastest option.
How can I add the radiuses:-1 into the call to the api in the simplest way possible? I studied the Python code but couldn’t figure out where to add the command. I am willing to hard code my radius and don’t need to add to the menu in QGIS.
Hello, I am running into the same issue with the 1 layer point method. Coding certainly isn’t my strong suit. I have found the correct .py file, but I do not see a line similar to the “params[‘coordinates’] = coordinates” listed above.
Where is the correct location to input the “params[‘radiuses’] = [-1, -1]” for the 1 layer method?
Thank you!
when I am using the 2 layer point to point directions it give me this error. How can I fixed it in the new version?
Route from F1042DL to Boral caused a ApiError:
404 ({“error”:{“code”:2010,“message”:“Could not find routable point within a radius of 350.0 meters of specified coordinate 0: 144.0070590 -37.4468930.”},“info”:{“engine”:{“build_date”:“2024-08-13T07:37:07Z”,“version”:“8.1.2”},“timestamp”:1724812090133}})