Here ist one example,Heubach,BW,Deutschland/Alleenweg,Heubach,BW,Deutschland/data/55,130,32,198,15,97,4,224,38,9,96,59,2,24,5,192,166,6,113,0,184,64,78,0,233,240,21,128,102,0,24,203,63,0,152,1,96,17,130,218,7,96,3,132,128,105,239,112,214,1,179,180,22,86,153,94,28,200,6,226,42,64,109,82,245,240,176,27,223,61,30,124,57,215,171,209,167,58,181,24,9,5,196,4,0,14,169,224,68,77,135,40,0,94,80,2,218,228,106,204,197,232,16,1,155,192,1,183,69,193,5,134,135,128,3,114,64,7,48,5,163,6,70,133,49,6,247,69,247,70,135,68,67,6,11,196,192,0,177,128,196,197,65,0,5,243,42,0
The direct route have an barrier. In this case the router use an other track to get behind the barrier and route over the forbidden track.
The Problem in Germany is, that some mapper adds acces restrictions on highway=track
other does not. You can read this in the german wiki of osm.
In the region I live, most highway=tracks have not restriction flags.
I hope this will help you. I don’t now much off ORS (and my english is realy worse), I’m only a user. I saw the problems, because I’m a OSM-mapper.
Have a nice day