Calling ors_pois in R

In R, I’m trying to get the POI inside a defined box so I can pass then as markers (add_markers)

ors_pois(geometry =
list(bbox = list(c(-90.5158552, 14.6012396), c(-90.51270092658864,14.596370217083651)),
buffer = 100) ,
limit = 100,
request = c(“pois”),
output = “sf”,
filters = list(category_group_ids = 560)

But I’m getting an
“Error in rbind(deparse.level, …) : numbers of columns of arguments do not match”

What am I doing wrong?

Thank you

Thanks for reaching out! It seems to be an issue with parsing the output to sf, as once I remove the argument output = "sf" I get a valid response. Would you mind filing a bug report on GitHub? Cheers!

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Fixed via #84 :muscle:

Please reinstall the package by running

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it’s working! thanks