I have produced a matrix for Finland and It appears that the road speeds within metro and urban areas are too fast compared to google and was wondering if there is a method to adjust the speeds for roads that aren’t motorway and dual carriageway road speeds. For example, the residential roads in cities?
My understanding is that speeds are set using the following approach: Travel Speeds - openrouteservice documentation.
However, is there a means at which I can adjust this in the config.json file? Does weightings have to be fastest?
My config is as follows:
"ors": {
"info": {
"base_url": "https://openrouteservice.org/",
"support_mail": "support@openrouteservice.org",
"author_tag": "openrouteservice",
"content_licence": "LGPL 3.0"
"services": {
"matrix": {
"enabled": true,
"maximum_routes": 91625000,
"maximum_routes_flexible": 25,
"maximum_search_radius": 10000,
"maximum_visited_nodes": 100000,
"allow_resolve_locations": true,
"attribution": "openrouteservice.org, OpenStreetMap contributors"
"isochrones": {
"enabled": true,
"maximum_range_distance": [
"profiles": "any",
"value": 50000
"profiles": "driving-car, driving-hgv",
"value": 100000
"maximum_range_time": [
"profiles": "any",
"value": 18000
"profiles": "driving-car, driving-hgv",
"value": 10800
"fastisochrones": {
"maximum_range_distance": [
"profiles": "any",
"value": 50000
"profiles": "driving-car, driving-hgv",
"value": 500000
"maximum_range_time": [
"profiles": "any",
"value": 18000
"profiles": "driving-car, driving-hgv",
"value": 10800
"profiles": {
"default_params": {
"enabled": false,
"threads": 12,
"weightings": "recommended",
"maxcellnodes": 5000
"profile-hgv": {
"enabled": false,
"threads": 12,
"weightings": "recommended",
"maxcellnodes": 5000
"maximum_intervals": 10,
"maximum_locations": 2,
"allow_compute_area": true
"routing": {
"enabled": true,
"mode": "normal",
"routing_description": "This is a routing file from openrouteservice",
"routing_name": "openrouteservice routing",
"sources": [
"init_threads": 1,
"attribution": "openrouteservice.org, OpenStreetMap contributors",
"elevation_preprocessed": false,
"profiles": {
"active": [
"default_params": {
"encoder_flags_size": 8,
"graphs_root_path": "data/graphs",
"elevation_provider": "multi",
"elevation_cache_path": "data/elevation_cache",
"elevation_cache_clear": false,
"instructions": true,
"maximum_distance": 100000,
"maximum_distance_dynamic_weights": 100000,
"maximum_distance_avoid_areas": 100000,
"maximum_waypoints": 50,
"maximum_snapping_radius": 1000,
"maximum_avoid_polygon_area": 200000000,
"maximum_avoid_polygon_extent": 20000,
"maximum_distance_alternative_routes": 100000,
"maximum_alternative_routes": 3,
"maximum_distance_round_trip_routes": 100000,
"maximum_speed_lower_bound": 80,
"preparation": {
"min_network_size": 10,
"min_one_way_network_size": 10,
"methods": {
"lm": {
"enabled": true,
"threads": 1,
"weightings": "recommended",
"landmarks": 16
"execution": {
"methods": {
"lm": {
"disabling_allowed": true,
"active_landmarks": 8
"profile-car": {
"profiles": "driving-car",
"parameters": {
"encoder_flags_size": 8,
"encoder_options": "turn_costs=true|block_fords=false|use_acceleration=true",
"maximum_distance": 100000,
"elevation": true,
"maximum_snapping_radius": 350,
"preparation": {
"min_network_size": 200,
"min_one_way_network_size": 200,
"methods": {
"ch": {
"enabled": true,
"threads": 1,
"weightings": "fastest"
"lm": {
"enabled": false,
"threads": 1,
"weightings": "fastest",
"landmarks": 16
"core": {
"enabled": true,
"threads": 1,
"weightings": "fastest",
"landmarks": 64,
"lmsets": "highways;allow_all"
"execution": {
"methods": {
"ch": {
"disabling_allowed": true
"lm": {
"disabling_allowed": true,
"active_landmarks": 6
"core": {
"disabling_allowed": true,
"active_landmarks": 6
"ext_storages": {
"WayCategory": {},
"HeavyVehicle": {},
"WaySurfaceType": {},
"RoadAccessRestrictions": {
"use_for_warnings": true
"profile-hgv": {
"profiles": "driving-hgv",
"parameters": {
"encoder_flags_size": 8,
"encoder_options": "turn_costs=true|block_fords=false|use_acceleration=true",
"maximum_distance": 100000,
"elevation": true,
"preparation": {
"min_network_size": 200,
"min_one_way_network_size": 200,
"methods": {
"ch": {
"enabled": true,
"threads": 1,
"weightings": "recommended"
"core": {
"enabled": true,
"threads": 1,
"weightings": "recommended",
"landmarks": 64,
"lmsets": "highways;allow_all"
"execution": {
"methods": {
"ch": {
"disabling_allowed": true
"core": {
"disabling_allowed": true,
"active_landmarks": 6
"ext_storages": {
"WayCategory": {},
"HeavyVehicle": {
"restrictions": true
"WaySurfaceType": {}
"profile-bike-regular": {
"profiles": "cycling-regular",
"parameters": {
"encoder_options": "consider_elevation=true|turn_costs=true|block_fords=false",
"elevation": true,
"ext_storages": {
"WayCategory": {},
"WaySurfaceType": {},
"HillIndex": {},
"TrailDifficulty": {}
"profile-bike-mountain": {
"profiles": "cycling-mountain",
"parameters": {
"encoder_options": "consider_elevation=true|turn_costs=true|block_fords=false",
"elevation": true,
"ext_storages": {
"WayCategory": {},
"WaySurfaceType": {},
"HillIndex": {},
"TrailDifficulty": {}
"profile-bike-road": {
"profiles": "cycling-road",
"parameters": {
"encoder_options": "consider_elevation=true|turn_costs=true|block_fords=false",
"elevation": true,
"ext_storages": {
"WayCategory": {},
"WaySurfaceType": {},
"HillIndex": {},
"TrailDifficulty": {}
"profile-bike-electric": {
"profiles": "cycling-electric",
"parameters": {
"encoder_options": "consider_elevation=true|turn_costs=true|block_fords=false",
"elevation": true,
"ext_storages": {
"WayCategory": {},
"WaySurfaceType": {},
"HillIndex": {},
"TrailDifficulty": {}
"profile-walking": {
"profiles": "foot-walking",
"parameters": {
"encoder_options": "block_fords=false",
"elevation": true,
"ext_storages": {
"WayCategory": {},
"WaySurfaceType": {},
"HillIndex": {},
"TrailDifficulty": {}
"profile-hiking": {
"profiles": "foot-hiking",
"parameters": {
"encoder_options": "block_fords=false",
"elevation": true,
"ext_storages": {
"WayCategory": {},
"WaySurfaceType": {},
"HillIndex": {},
"TrailDifficulty": {}
"profile-wheelchair": {
"profiles": "wheelchair",
"parameters": {
"encoder_options": "block_fords=true",
"elevation": true,
"maximum_snapping_radius": 50,
"ext_storages": {
"WayCategory": {},
"WaySurfaceType": {},
"Wheelchair": {
"KerbsOnCrossings": "true"
"OsmId": {}
"logging": {
"enabled": true,
"level_file": "DEBUG_LOGGING.json",
"location": "/var/log/ors",
"stdout": true
"system_message": [
"active": false,
"text": "This message would be sent with every routing bike fastest request",
"condition": {
"request_service": "routing",
"request_profile": "cycling-regular,cycling-mountain,cycling-road,cycling-electric",
"request_preference": "fastest"
"active": false,
"text": "This message would be sent with every request for geojson response",
"condition": {
"api_format": "geojson"
"active": false,
"text": "This message would be sent with every request on API v1 from January 2020 until June 2050",
"condition": {
"api_version": 1,
"time_after": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"time_before": "2050-06-01T00:00:00Z"
"active": false,
"text": "This message would be sent with every request"