Add comments to points along a route

Is there a way to add comments/notes to points along your planned route?
To be able to then bookmark your URL or extract/download your route along with comments/notes added as you planned

Regards, Greg


no, this is not a planned feature.
I think, however, that there might be browser plugins that provide this functionality.

Best regards

Thanks for the reply
I do like the functionality of openrouteservice and currently for planning a route that I’d like to add comments/notes to I need to download a .gpx from ORS then load it up to something like BRouter to be able to add the notations and then download the amended file.

The functionality would save the hassle of the double handling

Thanks anyway.


could you point me to the service you’re using when stating you

I couldn’t find anything on the web with just BRouter as a keyword :frowning:
Do you know of other software that implements this function; does komoot or strava allow for these things?

Best regards

After planning my route on ORS and download as a file, I use either of these 2 options when wanting to add specific notation to the saved .gpx file

The only point I need to raise is that once you’ve made any changes and exported your file, you may need to re-load the file POI’s from a menu
The above may be the case if using something like GPXSee to view files