About populations and profiles for isochrones on self hosted ors instance


I’m hosting my own ors instance and use it for requesting isochrones. Now I’m facing two issues:

Some profiles like “cycling-electric” lead to a status 500 error response. Profiles like “driving-car” seem to work fine though. Even though my request has the “total_pop” attribute, the response doesn’t return it.

Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!

Hi @RaikoPipe,

that’s probably an issue with your configuration.
Check if localhost:8082/ors/v2/status shows cycling-electric in the profiles (adjust port if needed).

Regarding population data see:

That’s more or less what you need to do, but we currently don’t have documentation for that yet.

The correct location in the new ors-config.yml is probably endpoints.isochrones.statistics_provider (in yaml format instead of dot notation ofc).

Best regards

Thanks for the help @amandus! Using your advice, I could address the issue regarding the missing profiles. Next, I will try your solution regarding the configuration of the population layer.

Best regards

Dear all,

has anyone yet successfully implemented the population on a self hosted instance using docker compose and can share their approach ?
I wasn’t yet able to implement the github solution provided by elpaso.