Elevation API not returning same number of points as sent to it

Awesome. Sounds great!

Cool. I’ll test that out again and report back on the same thread if I see any issues.

Thanks @nils! :slight_smile:

Ok, just updated the servers with the latest version, including polyline6 support:) Careful though with polyline6, there’s no implementation I know which considers elevation. However, it’s not far away from GH’s encoding code. You can try to port my code, if you feel you’d like to have 6 decimal points precision on coordinates:

BTW, I found a bug in my previous decoding, which swapped X,Y… So, best re-do what you’ve done before.

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i am using openstreetmap with ajax,javascript code with C#.Net code

i am calling service and getting positive responce

after getting responce how to show route instead of polylines

I am able to show lines between 2 points but i need to show route not lines.

Vamsi krishna

Guess you want openrouteservice, not openelevationservice…



i am using direction service. Please below code which service i am using it.

i need to show the directions please le me know.

                 var baseAddress = new Uri("https://api.openrouteservice.org");
                 var response = httpClient.PostAsync("/v2/directions/driving-car", content).Result;
                responseData = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

Wait, I remember you now from this one

Sorry man, can’t help you.